Part 33 (1/2)
He handed her a copy of a fax with the Metropolitan Police letterhead. It read, 'DS K. Kolla is ordered to report for interview at the office of Commander D. Sharpe, Room 632, New Scotland Yard, at 0900 hrs on Monday 1 October.'
'Tomorrow morning,' Kathy murmured.
'Yeah. Tough.'
'What's the story?'
'You've been working too hard, and you've had some personal problems, yes? To do with a boyfriend? You've had a breakdown, something like that. Anything to keep that headline out of the paper.'
'What headline?'
'Drunk lady cop arrested in Spain.' Mozas laughed again.
He seemed to be enjoying himself. 'Your drink-driving charge will stay on the record, in case you ever try to come back. You'll have to sort out the damage to the car with the hire company.'
Well, Kathy thought, at least I won't be giving the speech to the police conference on Wednesday.
'Boy, your clothes really stink of booze and stuff,' Mozas said. 'How's your hangover, by the way?'
'Get yourself a drink in the airport. It'll make you feel better. If there's time, that is.' He leaned forward and spoke to the driver, who flicked on the siren and pressed his foot to the floor. Mozas leaned closer to Kathy and lowered his voice. 'I got rid of your burglar's tools. I thought you'd want that.'
Kathy looked at him with surprise. 'Why did you do that?'
He shrugged. 'I thought you were in enough trouble without the physical evidence. Alvarez wouldn't have agreed to let you go if he'd seen those.'
'Thank you, Jeez. I appreciate it.'
'Lizancos and his gorilla set you up, didn't they?'
'You know, you should have come to me in the first place, Kathy. I could have helped you.'
'I'd have got you into trouble, too.'
He shrugged. 'And now you've got yourself into a hole.
I guess they'll kick you out.'
'Yes . . .' She saw the terminal building ahead, and suddenly felt quite calm and settled, for the first time that day. 'Unless I can come up with something really smart.'
'Like a miracle?' Mozas laughed. 'Good luck!'
Kathy stared out the window at the baggage-handling trucks circling the parked aircraft. Rain was streaming across the gla.s.s, making the picture blur and streak as if she were weeping. She sighed and got to her feet, joining the queue of pa.s.sengers shuffling towards the exit.
There was a crowd waiting on the other side of the barrier. A group of children were waving frantically at a Spanish girl in front of Kathy, limousine drivers held up placards with names. In the confusion Kathy didn't immediately notice the dark figure standing off to the left, but when she was through the crush and into the open s.p.a.ce of the arrivals hall, something made her turn to see Luz Diaz closing in on her.
'h.e.l.lo, Sergeant Kolla,' the woman said. 'Welcome home.'
'h.e.l.lo. You look as if you were expecting me.'
'Dr Lizancos phoned to tell me about your adventures in Barcelona.'
'You know him, of course.'
The woman gave a little nod.
'How did he know what plane I was on?'
Luz smiled. 'Captain Alvarez felt obliged to brief the doctor when they decided to let you go. I decided to come and meet you. There are some things we should discuss. My car is outside.'
Kathy hesitated. She met the woman's eyes and felt a She noticed Luz's eyes s.h.i.+ft to a spot beyond her right shoulder, and turned to find George Todd standing there. return of the nausea that had disappeared during the flight.
'I don't think so. It's been a long day.'
He had his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, and he was regarding Kathy with the closest attention.
'Even so, it's important that we talk before you meet with your superiors tomorrow morning, Kathy,' Luz said.
'It concerns Charles Verge. I take it you believe he's still alive?'
'Dr Lizancos said you were very persistent. He said you wouldn't give up.'
'Clever old Dr Lizancos.'
'I can take you to Charles.'
'Why would you do that?'
'You do want to find him, don't you?'
'Come on, then.' She linked her arm through Kathy's and led her towards the doors.
Later, as they headed north up the M25, Luz turned to Kathy in the pa.s.senger seat beside her and said, 'You are a very determined young woman, aren't you? Did you really do all that breaking and entering in Spain off your own bat, or did someone put you up to it? Chief Inspector Brock, perhaps? I always thought he might be hard to convince.'
Kathy didn't reply. She watched Luz's hand go to the indicator and saw the sign up ahead for the exit road into the dark countryside beyond the highway.
After a while, she recognised the village they pa.s.sed through. She caught a brief glimpse of light glowing from the windows of the pub, and then they were plunged back into the darkness of winding lanes between tall hedges.