Part 10 (1/2)

Prisoners Mary Cholmondeley 47550K 2022-07-22

She advanced with precision to the bench on which her sisters were sitting.

”I am now going to cycle to the Carters',” she said to Magdalen. ”I forgot to mention till this moment that I met Aunt Mary this morning at the Wind Farm, and that she gave me a letter for father, and said that she and Aunt Aggie were lunching with the Copes.”

”Poor Copes!” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Fay.

”And would both come on here afterwards to an early tea,” continued Bessie, taking no notice of the interruption. ”Aunt Mary desired that you would not have hot scones for tea, as Aunt Aggie is always depressed after them. She said there was no objection to them cold, and b.u.t.tered, but not hot.”

”I shall have tea in my own room then,” once more broke in Fay. ”I can't stand Aunt Mary. She is always preaching at me.”

”It is a pity that Fay is disinclined to share the undoubted burden of entertaining our relatives,” said Bessie, addressing herself exclusively to Magdalen, ”as I do not feel able to defer my visit to the Carters any longer.”

Magdalen struggled hard against a smile, and kept it under.

”Possibly the aunts are coming over to consult father about a private matter,” she said. ”The letter beforehand to prepare his mind looks like it. So it would be best if you and Fay were not there. The aunts'

affairs generally require the deepest secrecy.”

”And then father lets it all out at dinner before the servants,” said Bessie over her shoulder as she departed.

When she was out of hearing Fay said with exasperation, ”You are not wise to give way so much to Bessie, Magdalen. She is selfishness itself.

Why did not you insist on her staying and helping with the aunts? She never considers you.”

Magdalen was silent.

”I hate sitting here with the house staring at me,” said Fay. ”I can't think why you are so fond of this bench. Let us go into the beech avenue.”

For a long time past Magdalen had noticed that Fay always wanted to be somewhere she was not.

They went in silence through the little wood that bounded the gardens, and pa.s.sed into the great, bare, grey aisle of the beech avenue.

In a past generation a wide drive had led through this avenue to the house. It had been the south approach to Priesthope. But in these impoverished days, the road, with its sweep of turf on either side, had been neglected, and was now little more than a mossy cart-rut, with a fallen tree across it.

The two sisters sat down on a crooked arm of the fallen tree.

It was a soft, tranquil afternoon, flooded with meek February suns.h.i.+ne.

Far away between the green-grey trunks of the trees, the sea glinted like a silver ribbon. Everything was very still, with the stillness set deep in peace of one who loves and awaits in awe love's next word. The earth lay in the suns.h.i.+ne, and listened for the whisper of spring. Faint birdnotes threaded the high windless s.p.a.ces near the tree-tops.

”Look!” said Magdalen, ”the first crocus.”

What is there, what can there be in the first yellow crocus peering against the brown earth, that can reach with instant healing, like a child's ”soft absolving touch,” the inflamed, aching, unrest of the spirit? It does not seek to comfort us. Then how does comfort reach through with the crocus; as if the whole under-world were peace and joy, and were breaking through the thin sod to enfold us?

Fay looked at the flame-pure, upturned face of the little forerunner, absently at first, and then with growing absorption, until two large tears slowly welled up into her eyes and blotted it out. She s.h.i.+vered, and crept a little closer to her sister. She felt alienated from she knew not what, dreadfully cold and alone in the suns.h.i.+ne, with her cheek against her sister's shoulder. Though she did not realise it, something long frost-bound in her mind was yielding, s.h.i.+fting, breaking up. The first miserable shudder of the thaw was upon her.

She glanced up at Magdalen, who was looking into the heart of the crocus, and a sudden anger seized her at the still rapture of her sister's face. The contrast between her own gnawing misery and Magdalen's serenity cut her like a knife. What right had Magdalen to be so happy? Why should she have been exempted from all trouble? What had she done that anguish could never reach her? Fay's love for Magdalen, and at this time Magdalen was the only person for whom she had any affection--had all the violent recoils, the mutinous anger, the sudden desire to wound on the one side, all the tender patience and grieved understanding on the other which are the outcome of a real attachment between a bond woman and a free one.

The one craved, the other relinquished; the one was consumed with unrest, the other had reached some inner stronghold of peace. The one was imprisoned in self, the other was freed, released. The one made demands, the other was willing to serve. It seems as if only the free can serve.

”I am very miserable,” said Fay suddenly. She was pushed once more by the same blind impulse that had taken her to her husband's room the night after Michael's arrest.

She used almost the same words. And as the duke had made no answer then, so Magdalen made none now. She had not lived in the same house with Fay for nearly a year for nothing.

Magdalen's silence acted as a goad.