Part 7 (1/2)
She was to me the world. But I could only trouble her life. She was married. She had children. I knew I ought to go. I meant to go. She prayed me to go. I promised her to go--nevertheless I stayed. And at last--inasmuch as she loved me very much--I broke up her home, her life, her honour, she was separated from her children. She lost all, and then when all was gone she died. The only thing which I could keep from her was poverty, which would have been nothing to her. She never reproached me. There is no reproach in love. But--she died in disgrace, and alone.
From the first to the last it was her white hands under my feet. That was how I served the one woman I have deeply loved, the one creature who deeply loved me.” The duke's voice had become almost inaudible. ”You have done better than I,” he said.
Then he kissed Michael on the forehead, and went out.
They never met again.
The year slid like a corpse afloat.--D. G. ROSSETTI.
And how did it fare with Fay during the days that followed Michael's arrest?
Much sympathy was felt for her. Lord John, wallowing in the delicious novelty of finding eager listeners, went about extolling her courage and unselfishness to the skies. Her conduct was considered perfectly natural and womanly. No man condemned her for trying to s.h.i.+eld her cousin from the consequences of his crime. Women said they would have done the same, and envied her her romantic situation.
And Fay, shut up in her darkened room in her romantic situation--she who adored romantic situations--what were Fay's thoughts?
There is a travail of soul which toils with hard crying up the dark valley of decision, and brings forth in anguish the life entrusted to it. Perhaps it is the great renunciation. Perhaps it is only the loyal inevitable deed which is struggling to come forth, to be allowed to live for our healing and comfort.
But there is another travail of soul, barren, unavailing, which flings itself down, and tosses in impotent misery from side to side, from mood to mood, as in a sickly trance.
Such was Fay's.
Her decision not to speak had been made in the moment when she had let Michael accuse himself, and she kept silence. But that she did not know.
She thought it was still to make.
”I must speak. I must speak,” she said to herself all through the endless day after Michael's arrest, all through the endless night, until the dawn came up behind the ilexes, the tranquil dawn that knew all, and found her shuddering and wild-eyed.
”I must speak. I cannot let Michael suffer for me, even to save my reputation.”
_Her reputation!_ How little she had cared for it twenty-four hours ago, when pa.s.sion clutched the reins!
But now---- The public shame of it--the divorce which in her eyes must ensue--Andrea! Her courteous, sedate, inexorable husband, whose will she could not bend, whom she could not cajole, whose mind was a closed book to her; a book which had lain by her hand for three years, which she had never had the curiosity to open!--Fay feared her husband, as we all fear what we do not understand. He would divorce her--and then---- And Magdalen at home--and----
A flood of suffocating emotion swept over her, full of ugly swimming and crawling reptiles, and invertebrate horrors, the inevitable scavengers of the sea of selfish pa.s.sion.
Fay shrank back for very life. She could not pa.s.s through that flood and live. Nevertheless she felt herself pushed towards it.
”But I have no choice. I _must_ speak. He is innocent. He is doing this to s.h.i.+eld me because he loves me. But I also love him, far, far more than he loves me, and I will prove it.”
Fay went in imagination through a fearful and melodramatic scene, in which she revealed everything before a public tribunal. She saw her husband's face darken against her, her lover's lighten as she saved him.
She saw her slender figure standing alone, bearing the whole shock, serene, unshaken. The vision moved her to tears.
Was it a prophetic vision?
It was quite light now, and she crept to her husband's room. She had not seen him during the previous day. He had been out the whole of it. She felt drawn towards him by calamity, by the loneliness of her misery.
The duke was not asleep. He was lying in bed with his hands clasped behind his head. His sallow face, worn by a sleepless night, and perhaps by a wounding memory, was turned towards the light, and the new day dealt harshly with it. There were heavy lines under the eyes. The eyes looked steadily in front of him, plunged deep in a past which had something of the irrevocable tenderness of the dawn in it, the holy reflection of an inalienable love.