Volume Ii Part 16 (1/2)

What a wonderful fact this breakdown of old Niagara is. How it disturbs the calculations about lengths of time before the river would have reached the lakes.

I hope Mrs. Lyell will read this to you, then I shall trust for forgiveness for having scribbled so much. I should have sent back Aga.s.siz sooner, but my servant has been very unwell. Emma is going on pretty well.

My paper on South American boulders and ”till,” which latter deposit is perfectly characterised in Tierra del Fuego, is progressing rapidly.

(499/6. ”On the Distribution of the Erratic Boulders and on the Contemporaneous Unstratified Deposits of South America,” ”Trans. Geol.

Soc.” Volume VI., page 415, 1842.)

I much like the term post-Pliocene, and will use it in my present paper several times.

P.S.--I should have thought that the most obvious objection to the marine-beach theory for Glen Roy would be the limited extension of the shelves. Though certainly this is not a valid one, after an intermediate one, only half a mile in length, and nowhere else appearing, even in the valley of Glen Roy itself, has been shown to exist.

LETTER 500. TO C. LYELL. 1842.

I had some talk with Murchison, who has been on a flying visit into Wales, and he can see no traces of glaciers, but only of the trickling of water and of the roots of the heath. It is enough to make an extraneous man think Geology from beginning to end a work of imagination, and not founded on observation. Lonsdale, I observe, pays Buckland and myself the compliment of thinking Murchison not seeing as worth nothing; but I confess I am astonished, so glaringly clear after two or three days did the evidence appear to me. Have you seen last ”New Edin. Phil. Journ.”, it is ice and glaciers almost from beginning to end. (500/1. ”The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,” Volume x.x.xIII.

(April-October), 1842, contains papers by Sir G.S. Mackenzie, Prof.

H.G. Brown, Jean de Charpentier, Roderick Murchison, Louis Aga.s.siz, all dealing with glaciers or ice; also letters to the Editor relating to Prof. Forbes' account of his recent observations on Glaciers, and a paper by Charles Darwin ent.i.tled ”Notes on the Effects produced by the Ancient Glaciers of Carnarvons.h.i.+re, and on the Boulders transported by Floating Ice.”) Aga.s.siz says he saw (and has laid down) the two lowest terraces of Glen Roy in the valley of the Spean, opposite mouth of Glen Roy itself, where no one else has seen them. (500/2. ”The Glacial Theory and its Recent Progress,” by Louis Aga.s.siz, loc. cit., page 216. Aga.s.siz describes the parallel terraces on the flanks of Glen Roy and Glen Spean (page 236), and expresses himself convinced ”that the Glacial theory alone satisfies all the exigencies of the phenomenon” of the parallel roads.) I carefully examined that spot, owing to the sheep tracks [being] nearly but not quite parallel to the terrace. So much, again, for difference of observation. I do not pretend to say who is right.

LETTER 501. TO J.D. HOOKER. Down, October 12th, 1849.

I was heartily glad to get your last letter; but on my life your thanks for my very few and very dull letters quite scalded me. I have been very indolent and selfish in not having oftener written to you and kept my ears open for news which would have interested you; but I have not forgotten you. Two days after receiving your letter, there was a short leading notice about you in the ”Gardeners' Chronicle” (501/1. The ”Gardeners' Chronicle,” 1849, page 628.); in which it is said you have discovered a n.o.ble crimson rose and thirty rhododendrons. I must heartily congratulate you on these discoveries, which will interest the public; and I have no doubt that you will have made plenty of most interesting botanical observations. This last letter shall be put with all your others, which are now safe together. I am very glad that you have got minute details about the terraces in the valleys: your description sounds curiously like the terraces in the Cordillera of Chili; these latter, however, are single in each valley; but you will hereafter see a description of these terraces in my ”Geology of S.

America.” (501/2. ”Geological Observations,” pages 10 et pa.s.sim.) At the end of your letter you speak about giving up Geology, but you must not think of it; I am sure your observations will be very interesting. Your account of the great dam in the Yangma valley is most curious, and quite full; I find that I did not at all understand its wonderful structure in your former letter. Your notion of glaciers pus.h.i.+ng detritus into deep fiords (and ice floating fragments on their channels), is in many respects new to me; but I cannot help believing your dam is a lateral moraine: I can hardly persuade myself that the remains of floating ice action, at a period so immensely remote as when the Himalaya stood at a low level in the sea, would now be distinguishable. (501/3. Hooker's ”Himalayan Journals,” Volume II., page 121, 1854. In describing certain deposits in the Lachoong valley, Hooker writes: ”Glaciers might have forced immense beds of gravel into positions that would dam up lakes between the ice and the flanks of the valley” (page 121). In a footnote he adds: ”We are still very ignorant of many details of ice action, and especially of the origin of many enormous deposits which are not true moraines.” Such deposits are referred to as occurring in the Yangma valley.) Your not having found scored boulders and solid rocks is an objection both to glaciers and floating ice; for it is certain that both produce such. I believe no rocks escape scoring, polis.h.i.+ng and mammillation in the Alps, though some lose it easily when exposed. Are you familiar with appearance of ice-action? If I understand rightly, you object to the great dam having been produced by a glacier, owing to the dryness of the lateral valley and general infrequency of glaciers in Himalaya; but pray observe that we may fairly (from what we see in Europe) a.s.sume that the climate was formerly colder in India, and when the land stood at a lower height more snow might have fallen. Oddly enough, I am now inclined to believe that I saw a gigantic moraine crossing a valley, and formerly causing a lake above it in one of the great valleys (Valle del Yeso) of the Cordillera: it is a mountain of detritus, which has puzzled me. If you have any further opportunities, do look for scores on steep faces of rock; and here and there remove turf or matted parts to have a look. Again I beg, do not give up Geology:--I wish you had Aga.s.siz's work and plates on Glaciers. (501/4.

”Etudes sur les Glaciers.” L. Aga.s.siz, Neuchatel, 1840.) I am extremely sorry that the Rajah, ill luck to him, has prevented your crossing to Thibet; but you seem to have seen most interesting country: one is astonished to hear of Fuegian climate in India. I heard from the Sabines that you were thinking of giving up Borneo; I hope that this report may prove true.

LETTER 502. TO C. LYELL. Down, May 8th [1855].

The notion you refer to was published in the ”Geological Journal”

(502/1. ”on the Transportal of Erratic Boulders from a lower to a higher Level.” By C. Darwin.), Volume IV. (1848), page 315, with reference to all the cases which I could collect of boulders apparently higher than the parent rock.

The argument of probable proportion of rock dropped by sea ice compared to land glaciers is new to me. I have often thought of the idea of the viscosity and enormous momentum of great icebergs, and still think that the notion I pointed out in appendix to Ramsay's paper is probable, and can hardly help being applicable in some cases. (502/2. The paper by Ramsay has no appendix; probably, therefore Mr. Darwin's notes were published separately as a paper in the ”Phil. Mag.”) I wonder whether the ”Phil. Journal [Magazine?.]” would publish it, if I could get it from Ramsay or the Geological Society. (502/3. ”On the Power of Icebergs to make rectilinear, uniformly-directed grooves across a Submarine Undulatory Surface.” By C. Darwin, ”Phil. Mag.” Volume X., page 96, 1855.) If you chance to meet Ramsay will you ask him whether he has it?

I think it would perhaps be worth while just to call the N. American geologists' attention to the idea; but it is not worth any trouble. I am tremendously busy with all sorts of experiments. By the way, Hopkins at the Geological Society seemed to admit some truth in the idea of scoring by (viscid) icebergs. If the Geological Society takes so much [time] to judge of truth of notions, as you were telling me in regard to Ramsay's Permian glaciers (502/4. ”On the Occurrence of angular, sub-angular, polished, and striated Fragments and Boulders in the Permian Breccia of Shrops.h.i.+re, Worcesters.h.i.+re, etc.; and on the Probable Existence of Glaciers and Icebergs in the Permian Epoch.” By A.C. Ramsay, ”Quart.

Journ. Geol. Soc.” Volume XI., page 185, 1855.), it will be as injurious to progress as the French Inst.i.tut.

LETTER 503. TO J.D. HOOKER. Cliff Cottage, Bournemouth, [September] 21st [1862].

I am especially obliged to you for sending me Haast's communications.

(503/1. ”Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.” Volume XXI., pages 130, 133, 1865; Volume XXIII., page 342, 1867.) They are very interesting and grand about glacial and drift or marine glacial. I see he alludes to the whole southern hemisphere. I wonder whether he has read the ”Origin.”

Considering your facts on the Alpine plants of New Zealand and remarks, I am particularly glad to hear of the geological evidence of glacial action. I presume he is sure to collect and send over the mountain rat of which he speaks. I long to know what it is. A frog and rat together would, to my mind, prove former connection of New Zealand to some continent; for I can hardly suppose that the Polynesians introduced the rat as game, though so esteemed in the Friendly Islands. Ramsay sent me his paper (503/2. ”On the Glacial Origin of certain Lakes in Switzerland, etc.” ”Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.” Volume XVIII., page 185, 1862.) and asked my opinion on it. I agree with you and think highly of it. I cannot doubt that it is to a large extent true; my only doubt is, that in a much disturbed country, I should have thought that some depressions, and consequently lakes, would almost certainly have been left. I suggested a careful consideration of mountainous tropical countries such as Brazil, peninsula of India, etc.; if lakes are there, [they are] very rare. I should fully subscribe to Ramsay's views.

What presumption, as it seems to me, in the Council of Geological Society that it hesitated to publish the paper.

We return home on the 30th. I have made up [my] mind, if I can keep up my courage, to start on the Sat.u.r.day for Cambridge, and stay the last few days of the [British] a.s.sociation there. I do so hope that you may be there then.

LETTER 504. TO J.D. HOOKER. November 3rd [1864].

When I wrote to you I had not read Ramsay. (504/1. ”On the Erosion of Valleys and Lakes: a Reply to Sir Roderick Murchison's Anniversary Address to the Geographical Society.” ”Phil. Mag.” Volume XXVIII., page 293, 1864) How capitally it is written! It seems that there is nothing for style like a man's dander being put up. I think I agree largely with you about denudation--but the rocky-lake-basin theory is the part which interests me at present. It seems impossible to know how much to attribute to ice, running water, and sea. I did not suppose that Ramsay would deny that mountains had been thrown up irregularly, and that the depressions would become valleys. The grandest valleys I ever saw were at Tahiti, and here I do not believe ice has done anything; anyhow there were no erratics. I said in my S. American Geology (504/2. ”Finally, the conclusion at which I have arrived with respect to the relative powers of rain, and sea-water on the land is, that the latter is by far the most efficient agent, and that its chief tendency is to widen the valleys, whilst torrents and rivers tend to deepen them and to remove the wreck of the sea's destroying action” (”Geol. Observations,” pages 66, 67).) that rivers deepen and the sea widens valleys, and I am inclined largely to stick to this, adding ice to water. I am sorry to hear that Tyndall has grown dogmatic. H. Wedgwood was saying the other day that T.'s writings and speaking gave him the idea of intense conceit. I hope it is not so, for he is a grand man of science.