Part 13 (2/2)

”The great house of the Governor rose over the ice-bordered marshes.

Near it were long sheds, and under them high piles of wood brought from the hills.

”The poor man had no wood, but after a little time smoke was seen coming out of his chimney.

”There came one day a man to the Governor, and said:

”'Pardon me, Governor, I am loath in my heart to accuse any one, but in the interest of justice I have something which I must tell you.'

”'Speak on, neighbor.'

”'Some one has been stealing your wood.'

”'It is a hard winter for the poor. Who has done this?'

”'The man who lives on the marsh.'

”'His crop was not large this year.'

”'No, it failed.'

”'He has a wife and children.'

”'True, Governor.'

”'He has always borne a good reputation.'

”'True, Governor, and that makes the case more difficult.'

”'Neighbor, don't speak of this thing to others, but send that man to me.'

”The man on the marsh came to the Governor's. His face was as white as snow. How he had suffered!

”'Neighbor,' said the Governor, 'this is a cold winter.'

”'It is, your Honor.'

”'I hope that your family are comfortable.'

”'No, your Honor; they have sometimes gone to bed supperless and cold.'

”'It hurts my conscience to know that. Have you any fuel?'

”'None, your Honor. My children have kept their bed for warmth.'

”'But I have a good woodpile. See the shed: there is more wood there than I can burn. I ought not to sit down by a comfortable fire night after night, while my neighbor's family is cold.'
