Part 22 (2/2)

Nevertheless, his students enjoyed themselves.

One quick look between Amanda's thighs under the light and you could see her wetness. Sawyer grinned to himself, understanding their mind s.p.a.ces. When he bound his ropes around a woman, locking her into his care, his c.o.c.k always hardened. Always.

Tonight, though, his d.i.c.k lay soft and unaffected in his jeans. Needless to say, since he wasn't doing the binding a little boredom had begun to settle in. When he first earned Master status, he took great honor in teaching others. Now, though he still enjoyed playing with casual submissives, the joy of mentoring other Doms had diminished.

”There,” Max said, breaking into Sawyer's thoughts. ”She's good, right?”

Sawyer pushed off from the wall, walking toward Max to see his handiwork. Amanda's erect nipples indicated the level of heat burning through her. Yet her arousal was not Sawyer's concern. ”Do your bindings feel all right, sweetheart?”

”Yes, sir.” Black pupils overtook her blue eyes.

Sawyer chuckled. A breeze from the wind could make this sub come. ”I'm glad to hear it. You're doing well.” Looking back to the young blue-eyed, baby-faced Dom, Sawyer commented, ”Don't ask me the question. Ask your sub. All right?” At Max's firm nod, Sawyer examined the bondage with a keen eye. ”Excellent knots. Well done.”

”Thank you.” Max smiled with a Dom's arrogance.

Sawyer tilted his head at Amanda, raising his brows. Max realized his misstep quickly, adding without a moment's hesitation, ”Thank you for letting me practice this tonight, Amanda. You were outstanding, darling.”

Her breath whooshed between her swollen pink lips. ”You're welcome, Master.”


That one word told everyone in Club Sin whom Amanda belonged to. It never bothered Sawyer that he'd never been addressed that way by a sub before. He never yearned for it. The responsibility of a full-time sub didn't interest him. Casual relations.h.i.+ps suited him more, due to his busy work schedule and busy life.

As he studied his students, the air thickened. Pleased by their enjoyment and the bondage, Sawyer returned to his place against the wall. ”The more you play with Amanda,” he told Max, ”the better you'll be attuned to her. But when dealing with bondage, use your voice to ensure she's comfortable. Understood?”

”Got it.”

Sawyer examined the couple, curious about their next steps.

Max's posture stiffened, appearing taller, as he admired his work. He ran his palm over Amanda's rounded stomach. She leaned her head against her bound arms stretched high above her. Smiling with pride, Max stroked her leg bound at the knee, leaving her partially suspended. ”I like you this way. So beautiful. All mine.”

When Amanda shuddered, Sawyer took his cue to leave. What they both needed now: a good quick f.u.c.k. He gave Max a final proud nod, pleased by the other Dom's use of tender rewarding words. Turning on his heels, he strode into the crowd as he moved toward the black leather couches. While his instruction might be done tonight, he didn't trust Max enough to leave him alone with a bound submissive.

Being a Club Sin Master meant protecting a submissive's well-being. A responsibility he'd become proud of. Respect he'd worked hard to achieve. Even if he found himself lacking the enthusiasm he once had.

Only when he reached the couch, ready to take a seat, did he realize his phone vibrated in the pocket of his jeans. Thinking it best to stay focused on Max and Amanda, he ignored the call, figuring he'd return it later. But the vibration continued, and wondering now if there could be a problem he was unaware of, he decided to answer it. ”h.e.l.lo.”

His father replied in a tight voice, ”Son, it's me.”

Sawyer stared at Max, who was dropping his pants to his ankles. ”What's wrong?”

”It's your sister.”

”Is she okay?”

”No, she's not.” A pause. ”Someone beat her up. It's bad, son. Ashlyn needs you.” His father's voice cracked, filling with heavy emotion. ”Your mother needs you. We're at Sunrise Hospital. Please get here as soon as you can.”

Before he could even end the call, Sawyer ran for the door, somehow aware that, in this split second, his had life changed forever.

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