Part 12 (2/2)

Gary's voice was strong and even, but Brent had known him long enough to tell he was uncomfortable with this topic. He thought about messing with Gary and telling him to wear a Catwoman outfit, or to dress up as Dr. Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but he took pity on the man. He knew Gary's view of what a fetish club looked like wasn't accurate. ”Just wear whatever is comfortable.”

Gary nodded woodenly and then darted a glance across the lobby, where Sandra sat reading something on her phone. ”Give me an example. What do you wear at the Club, Brent?”

Again, Brent bit back the temptation to mess with his friend as all kinds of interesting answers spilled through his mind. In the end he settled on honesty. ”When I'm not partic.i.p.ating, I tend to wear something very much like what I'm wearing today.” He gestured toward himself. ”Comfortable dress slacks and a b.u.t.ton-down s.h.i.+rt. And comfortable shoes are a must for me since I do so much walking to oversee everything.”

Gary's gaze panned down to Brent's Armani loafers. ”What about when you are...partic.i.p.ating?”

Brent smiled, unable to resist the temptation any longer. ”You know, a.s.sless chaps, nipple rings, a leather Catwoman costume-things like that.”

Gary paled and cast another glance toward Sandra.

”She can't hear us, and she isn't even paying attention,” Brent reminded Gary.

Gary looked decidedly uncomfortable, and Brent took pity on him again. ”I'm kidding, Gary. You seem like you're about to pa.s.s out.”

Gary blew out a long breath as relief flowed across his features, and he shook his head. ”All right, Brent. I deserved that.” He laughed as the tension finally left his face. ”I know when you were a newbie in the industry I played quite a few jokes on you. All in good fun, I a.s.sure you, but I was quite merciless at times, even more so when you looked green in the gills.” His expression turned slightly sheepish and he shrugged. ”So I suppose I had it coming.” He met Brent's gaze squarely. ”All right, for Valerie I'll break through my misgivings and step foot inside Club Desire.”

Brent knew how hard that one act would be for Gary. He had never been to any club as far as Brent knew. Valerie had always tried to get him to accompany her, but he had always adamantly refused.

Brent didn't think Gary was morally or ethically opposed to it. He was most likely more concerned about who would see him there. If Brent could coax Gary out, he would do his best to safeguard his privacy as much as he could. That was business as usual at Desire, but since Gary was a close friend, Brent would go out of his way to try to ensure his first visit was memorable in a good way-especially considering how difficult he knew it would be for his friend to even show up. It was the least he could do for one of the men who'd helped him make his name as a successful business consultant. He would never be where he was today without Gary and a handful of others like him.

He nodded toward his friend. ”Gary. If you're worried about being seen at the Club, don't. It is very discreet, and to steal a movie line, 'What happens at Club Desire stays at Club Desire.' And anyone you might see there will also be visiting a kinky s.e.x club, so it will even out.”

Gary blew out a long breath. ”Thanks for pointing that out. It really does help to think of it like that. Working too much, and me worrying about appearances,” he said wearily, making Brent wonder where this was going, ”that's what eventually drove Valerie away, and now that I've found her again I refuse to let a little fear about the unknown keep me from her. So be straight with me, Brent. If I show up planning on partic.i.p.ating, what should I wear?”

Surprised by the sudden breakthrough, Brent took a slow breath and answered honestly. ”I wear leather pants and a comfortable black T-s.h.i.+rt. But there are several Doms there who wear dress slacks, jeans, or even shorts. It's whatever you're comfortable moving around in. Why don't you bring a few things with you in a bag on and we can talk more specifics then? If you come early, we can talk before Valerie arrives. In fact, you can stay at the Club if you like. We have terrific rooms upstairs.”

”Thank you, Brent.” Genuine grat.i.tude shone in his expression. ”I'll see you on” He walked across the lobby and held out his hand to Sandra. ”Welcome to the team. I think Trask Industries will be an excellent fit for you, and that you'll be a wonderful addition to our team. I'll see you first thing in the morning.”

- Fifteen minutes later, still bubbling with excitement over her new job, Sandra walked beside Brent toward the front of the Different Pointe of View restaurant. It was a very nice, romantic restaurant inside the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort.

Sandra had always wanted to eat here, but with her finances, or lack thereof, hadn't thought she'd ever get to, let alone step inside the resort for a look around.

A strong breeze swirled the ends of her hair into her eyes. Now and then a few small leaves would fly by, and she would brush them off her clothes or out of her face. But since the breeze was a welcome respite from the hot day, Sandra smiled and enjoyed it.

Brent slowed and turned toward her, causing her to stop short. ”I should have asked. Do you like the Different Pointe of View restaurant?”

She nodded, trying and failing to keep what would most likely be a sappy smile off her face. ”I've never been here. I've always wanted to, but just around to it.”

She bit her tongue to keep herself from diving into another ramble, or even worse, revealing too much about her upbringing. Especially her abusive mother, their constant lack of money, or how horrible the punishments were when her mother caught her daydreaming about having a better life. Alice Barry didn't like Sandra to have any escape from her control, not even a temporary mental one.

Brent smiled at her and then raised his hand.

Sandra instinctively reacted, flinching away and taking a small step back.

Her brain kicked in, reminding her that this was Brent and not her mother.

She was usually better at covering those instinctive reactions, but since she'd been thinking about Alice and that old way of life, when Brent raised his hand...

She firmed her spine and forced herself to look up and meet his too perceptive gaze. Except he was probably thinking of Diego and not her mother.

Or at least she hoped so.

”I'm sorry, Sandra.” His expression was concerned and gentle. ”I was just going to pick a few leaves out of your hair. I should have warned you.”

She reached up and ruffled her hair, watching a few small leaves flutter off into the wind again. ”It's not a problem.”

She saw the knowledge in his eyes of what he'd thought had caused her instinctive reaction, but she tried to smooth it over. She didn't like to talk about that time in her life if she could help it. And she definitely didn't want him always treating her with kid gloves.

”I'm starving. How about you?” She smiled at the comfortable, playful tone that she had successfully infused into her voice. Maybe they could move past this without incident after all.

Brent nodded, but she wasn't sure if he had accepted her dodge of the situation or was biding his time until he could bring it up again. In either case, she really was hungry.

”I called ahead while you were in the restroom at Gary's, so they have our table ready.” He held out his hand, a gallant gesture that warmed her heart.

She placed her hand in his, a thrill of connection running through her at the skin-to-skin contact as they continued to make their way toward the front of the resort.

Since the entire property was perched on a hilltop, she shouldn't have been surprised when they were seated next to a window that gave them a breathtaking view of the city below. Somehow when she had imagined herself in this place back in high school she had never quite envisioned sitting here, enjoying this spectacular view while a s.e.xy man across from her ordered wine and appetizers.

He made sure she liked red wine and asked her appetizer preferences. ”In celebration of your new job,” he said with a nod.

When the waiter returned with the wine, he told them about the specials. Since she wasn't sure how much attention she could direct toward the menu, she went ahead and ordered the first special he mentioned. Only after the waiter had left did she realize she hadn't even asked how much it was. It had sounded good, although she couldn't really remember what she had ordered now that Master Brent was staring into her eyes from across the table.

He took her hand in his, the warm skin of his slightly roughened fingertips making her remember what that touch had felt like last night against her sensitive skin. She s.h.i.+vered, but not from cold, and raised her gaze to meet his.

His blue eyes looked darker somehow in the intimate atmosphere of the restaurant. They weren't the only patrons, others were scattered around, but not at any of the tables closest to them.

It felt like they were in an exclusive part of the dining room, and who knew-they might be. She didn't have any experience with a place like this. She almost felt like the poor country cousin come to visit the city.

She tried to stop fidgeting in her chair and just enjoy the experience.

”Sandra. Relax.” His voice held gentle understanding. ”No one here will bite.” The edges of his lips curved up into a mischievous smile that took his features from handsome to totally devastating. She wished she could steel her heart against that deadly weapon, but it felt as if it were melting into a glob of clay that he could mold however he wished. ”Although if you're a good little sub, I'll bite you. And I promise to make sure you love it.”

A zing of arousal shot through her and she s.h.i.+fted in her seat against the wetness that dampened her panties. Even though he'd said it in jest, she had no doubt that Master Brent could deliver on that implied promise. And she couldn't wait.

Brent was one of the most charming men she had ever met. He was the total package-sinfully good-looking, cultured, well mannered, generous, and adventurous, and all wrapped up with a wonderful sense of humor and playfulness that probably made every woman he met fall at his feet.

She winced that she was only one of many until she reminded herself that he was with her now, and had been two nights ago. If she were any judge, he would be with her many times again.

Thoughts of all those future times sent her pulse racing, making her wish she were adventurous enough to do something daring and bold right here in the restaurant.

She wasn't ready for something like that yet, but suspected the more time spent with Master Brent, her bravery would grow until she was able to be brazen and s.e.xy in public.

She hoped so.

It had been such a wonderful morning so far, and definitely promised to be an amazing day. She had a job with a boss who seemed understanding, funny, and friendly, and now lunch at a restaurant where she'd always fantasized about eating. And later tonight was her first self-defense cla.s.s with Master Dex back at Club Desire.
