Part 5 (1/2)
When the next jolt hit her, she squeaked as she flinched away. Again, it wasn't painful, only a more intense feeling than the previous level had been.
Her breath was coming in harsh pants, and for some reason the air suddenly smelled like a thunderstorm was brewing. It reminded her of the ozone smell that always lingered after such intense storms.
She breathed deep and tried to adjust to the sensations, but her entire body felt hot and achy. Each zap of the wand sent zings radiating out over her, which left her feeling oversensitized. One more zap and her nerves began to feel raw and brittle.
”Red,” she whispered, and Master Brent immediately turned off the wand and set it aside. He ran a hand over her sweaty face, brus.h.i.+ng back the hair that had fallen into her eyes when she jerked and flinched during some of the zaps.
She couldn't find the will to even open her eyes, let alone answer him.
”Sandra,” came his strong voice again, this time laced with Dom command. ”Look at me.”
She forced herself to open her heavy eyelids and then concentrated on making her throat work.
He loomed over her, concern clear in his expression. ”Are you all right? Did you wait too long to red?”
She shook her head and forced herself to speak. ”No, sir. I'm fine. Just feeling a bit oversensitized. I need a few minutes to let my body calm down, that's all.”
He looked stern for a long moment but then his expression gentled, making her think he wanted to reach out and gather her into his arms. But then he nodded and s.h.i.+fted away, to give her some s.p.a.ce and, she a.s.sumed, a minimum of tactile input while she recovered.
Sandra realized she'd truly enjoyed the few peeks she'd seen of Master Brent's Dom side. She didn't feel controlled or manipulated; she felt cared for and safe. Free of the decisions and pressure that came with giving herself pleasure. It sounded absurd, but she couldn't discount the sensation.
”Thank you,” she said when her body had calmed a bit. She still wanted to come and wouldn't mind being f.u.c.ked senseless, but the violet wand would be on her list only with someone she trusted, and for very controlled play on the lowest settings.
”You're all right?” He handed her the s.h.i.+rt that she'd tossed on the floor and she nodded as she slipped it on. She sat up straighter, leaning against his shoulder and enjoying his warmth.
She had hoped he'd put his arm around her, but instead he took her hand in his and threaded their fingers together.
Sandra sighed and tilted her neck from side to side, working out some tenseness that had gathered during the session with the wand. But then she returned her gaze to the dungeon floor below them.
To the right of the Domme using the violet wand was another couple. She gestured toward them. ”I watched them together earlier up in the waiting area.”
Brent followed her gaze and nodded. ”They are both regulars, although they only play on the weekends. They always start up on the main dungeon level with relatively low-level play and then come down to Dungeon 2 to increase the spice a bit, depending on the night and their moods.” He swept his glance back over the couple before returning his gaze to Sandra. ”They've been living the lifestyle in and out of the dungeon as a couple for a few years now and seem happier than a lot of the vanilla couples I know.
”Would you like to watch more, or switch gears and go take care of the administrative details?”
Sandra glanced at the scene and noted that the woman was currently strapped to a bondage bed. She lay on her back, a spreader bar between her ankles. A rope snaked down from the ceiling to lift the bar, which pulled up her knees and bared and opened her, leaving her in a wide-open position for her Dom to easily play with her p.u.s.s.y or her a.s.s.
Her arms were stretched over her head, another spreader bar affixed to the headboard. Her wrists were tied to the bar, her fingers wrapped around it tightly. Her nipples were hard points, easily seen even from up here, and the stripes of red across her torso and b.r.e.a.s.t.s showed remnants of the play they'd enjoyed on the main dungeon floor.
Sandra knew she still hadn't answered Master Brent, but she wanted to see what happened next. Since he didn't push for an answer, she squeezed his hand where their fingers were still twined and leaned forward a little for the best possible view. Although if she watched too much she was going to end up pulling up her skirt and rubbing her c.l.i.t right here. Her body had been in a constant state of arousal since stepping inside this place, and it only kept ratcheting higher.
When the Dom crawled onto the foot of the bed to lie on his stomach between the woman's thighs, he buried his face against her folds, and Sandra nearly moaned. Master Brent's quick intake of breath caught her attention more than the erotic image in front of her. Apparently he truly did like to watch as much as she did.
She glanced toward him to see a hungry, almost ravenous, expression on his face. A quick look showed her the hard outline of his c.o.c.k behind the fly of his slacks.
She had a strong urge to lean forward and stroke him and watch his reaction. Would he let her unzip his slacks and pull out his c.o.c.k? Would he let her rub her thumb over the tip to spread the moisture she was sure she'd find there? Would he let her take him in her mouth? The vortex of need inside her pelvis tightened impossibly at the thought of what Master Brent might taste like.
To her relief, Master Brent's hand closed over hers, drawing her attention back to the scene below before she did something totally embarra.s.sing. He squeezed her fingers lightly, sending her a wolfish-looking smile before she turned back to the scene unfolding below them.
The Dom's face was still buried between his sub's thighs, his actions making the woman squirm and arch off the bed. He tipped her to her side and swatted her a.s.s hard before settling her on her back again and resuming his actions.
Sandra squirmed against the sectional as her entire body screamed for action instead of watching from the sidelines. She needed to do something besides watch right now, and Master Brent was obviously keeping some type of distance, so she didn't want to push.
”I think I'm ready for those administrative details now.” Her voice came out sounding thin and thready, and Master Brent's deep breathing was the only sound between them for a long moment.
”Absolutely.” His deep blue gaze captured hers and held her while sending fissions of arousal shooting through her. ”You can come back to this level and watch at any time. Let's get you set up.”
He rose smoothly and helped her to her feet before guiding her to the door and around the curving hallway toward the elevators.
Chapter 6.
As they walked into the elevator, Sandra was overwhelmed by Master Brent's strong presence so near her needy body. His heat and unique scent surrounded her, and all her instincts screamed for his hands to be on her, caressing her and making her come.
As soon as the elevator doors whooshed closed behind them, sealing them inside, he leaned in and brushed a simple, lingering kiss over her lips.
Her lips tingled from that one small contact. He stepped back and his heat left her, the loss raging through her, as she belatedly wished she would have had time to react. She turned toward him, tipping her face up and offering her lips in case he thought she might not have liked the fact that he'd kissed her.
”I apologize, Sandra, for taking liberties before having permission. But you seemed to need it.” He took a deep breath as if he were about to say more, and intentionally cut himself short. ”No one here will do anything without your prior consent and approval. Soft limits, hard limits, and safe words are fully respected at Club Desire. And no one will touch you or force their attentions on you in any way. Any touch or interaction will involve them having your permission first. So, again, I apologize.”
Master Mason's note had apparently contained quite a bit more than she'd imagined. But right now, her senses were still buzzing from Master Brent's chaste kiss, and remnants of their play with the violet wand in his alcove. How would she react to a much more lingering kiss, or even a full scene with Master Brent?
”Don't apologize. You're right. I did need it, and I appreciate your rea.s.surances. I feel safe here already.” She stopped as she realized that she really did. Without even meeting all of the other Doms or seeing the entire club, there was something about the energy of this place that radiated safety and welcome. No wonder it was such an exclusive club.
”I'm glad.” He stared at her lips for a long moment, making her wish he would come closer and kiss her again.
She watched him carefully and knew a smile curved her lips as she said, ”Oh, and Master Brent...”
One dark brow rose in question.
”You have my permission to kiss me anytime you'd like.”
The rustle of cloth was the only warning she had before she was pulled firmly against his hard body, his rough kiss sending torrents of excitement and need through her.
Sandra wanted to wrap her legs around his waist and demand he f.u.c.k her, right here in the elevator, but since he was taller than she, all she could manage was to bury her fingers into the softness of his s.h.i.+rt and writhe against him as the erotic sensations, and the danger of the elevator doors opening at any moment, nearly sent her over the edge.
Master Brent started to pull away and she grabbed his s.h.i.+rt tighter, yanking him back. ”Yes, please. I'll 'yellow' or 'red' if I need to,” she gasped around their heated kiss, giving him permission to do as he liked with her.
Her words seemed to spark something inside him and his arms came around her, bracketing her against him roughly, but only enough to be exciting, not threatening. His large hands cupped her a.s.s and he lifted until she could wrap her legs around his waist and her mound b.u.mped against his very hard c.o.c.k.
He backed her up against the wall of the elevator, holding her in place with his body as he reached up under her skirt and found the crotch of her very wet panties.
He growled deep inside his throat, a guttural, almost possessive sound.
She panted as he slid one finger under the edge of the lacy material to find her slick center.