Part 2 (1/2)

More Cargoes W. W. Jacobs 31560K 2022-07-22

”I forget the word,” said Ralph, with strong good sense.

”Don't tell any lies now,” said the skipper, flus.h.i.+ng, as he heard a chuckle from the mate. ”Go on, out with it. Ill give you just two minutes.”

”I forget it,” persisted Ralph.

”Dustman?” suggested the mate, coming to his a.s.sistance. ”Coster, chimbley-sweep, mudlark, pickpocket, convict washer-wom----”

”If you'll look after your dooty, George, instead o' interferin' in matters that don't concern you,” said the skipper in a choking voice, ”I shall be obliged. Now, then, you boy, what were you going to say I was like?”

”Like the mate,” said Ralph slowly.

”Don't tell lies,” said the skipper furiously; ”you couldn't 'ave forgot that word.”

”I didn't forget it,” said Ralph, ”but I didn't know how you'd like it.”

The skipper looked at him dubiously, and pus.h.i.+ng his cap from his brow scratched his head.

”And I didn't know how the mate 'ud like it, either,” continued the boy.

He relieved the skipper from an awkward dilemma by walking off to the galley and starting on a bowl of potatoes. The master of the _Susan Jane_ watched him blankly for some time and then looked round at the mate.

”You won't get much change out of 'im,” said the latter, with a nod; ”insultin' little devil.”

The other made no reply, but as soon as the potatoes were finished set his young friend to clean bra.s.s work, and after that to tidy the cabin up and help the cook clean his pots and pans. Meantime the mate went below and overhauled his chest.

”This is where he gets all them ideas from,” he said, coming aft with a big bundle of penny papers. ”Look at the t.i.tles of 'em--'The Lion of the Pacific,' 'The One-armed Buccaneer,' 'Captain Kidd's Last Voyage.'”

He sat down on the cabin skylight and began turning them over, and, picking out certain gems of phraseology, read them aloud to the skipper.

The latter listened at first with scorn and then with impatience.

”I can't make head or tail out of what you're reading, George,” he said snappishly. ”Who was Rudolph? Read straight ahead.”

Thus urged, the mate, leaning forward so that his listener might hear better, read steadily through a serial in the first three numbers. The third instalment left Rudolph swimming in a race with three sharks and a boat-load of cannibals; and the joint efforts of both men failed to discover the other numbers.

”Just wot I should 'ave expected of 'im,” said the skipper, as the mate returned from a fruitless search in the boy's chest. ”I'll make him a bit more orderly on this s.h.i.+p. Go an' lock them other things up in your drawer, George. He's not to 'ave 'em again.”

The schooner was getting into open water now, and began to feel it.

In front of them was the blue sea, dotted with white sails and funnels belching smoke, speeding from England to worlds of romance and adventure. Something of the kind the cook said to Ralph, and urged him to get up and look for himself. He also, with the best intentions, discussed the restorative properties of fat pork from a medical point of view.

The next few days the boy divided between seasickness and work, the latter being the skipper's great remedy for piratical yearnings. Three or four times he received a mild drubbing, and what was worse than the drubbing, had to give an answer in the affirmative to the skipper's inquiry as to whether he felt in a more wholesome frame of mind. On the fifth morning they stood in towards Fairhaven, and to his great joy he saw treess and houses again.

They stayed at Fairhaven just long enough to put out a small portion of their cargo. Ralph, stripped to his s.h.i.+rt and trousers, having to work in the hold with the rest, and proceeded to Lowport, a little place some thirty miles distant, to put out their powder.

It was evening before they arrived, and, the tide being out, anch.o.r.ed in the mouth of the river on which the town stands.

”Git in about four o'clock,” said the skipper to the mate, as he looked over the side towards the little cl.u.s.ter of houses on the sh.o.r.e. ”Do you feel better now I've knocked some o' that nonsense out o' you, boy?”

”Much better, sir,” said Ralph respectfully.