Chapter 44 (1/2)

Among the main countries consuming whale meat, which were j.a.pan, Norway, and Denmark, j.a.pan made the most use of the whale. The j.a.panese considered the blubber, which the Norwegians threw away, as a delicacy. The same part of the whale was usually sold for a higher price in j.a.pan than in Norway.

However, because of the international condemnation, the j.a.panese were eating the whales in suspense and had registered the whales used for food (or for scientific research as they had claimed) in detail. Besides, whale transactions were illegal. All these made the disposal of Huang Xuan's ”properties” more difficult.

Nevertheless, now that drugs and arms could be sold openly, naturally, the whales could too. Huang Xuan didn't think the shop owners would care about where the whales had come from. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical enterprises would embrace a lot of cheap materials. So, it was just a matter of price.

Rolin could do as much work as a big consulting company in looking for buyers, especially in the case that he could get any company's information by phone calls, fax, or direct communication. Huang Xuan just needed to show up.

After the last container had been dragged into the freezer, Huang Xuan took a deep breath. At first, the freezer attendant had refused to let the container go directly into the freezer, but facing a price 10% higher than what he had demanded, he grudgingly agreed to Huang Xuan's request. Huang Xuan gave him a big smile. He was a lovely Brazilian who showed his moods directly on his face.

”Huang Xuan, time to go back. Your father is coming home tonight.” Li Qing was relieved too.

Huang Xuan agreed. He didn't turn back until he had seen that the door to the freezer had been closed.

”Brother Qing, please don't tell my dad anything about this.”

”Then what am I supposed to tell him?”

”Tell him that we had a ride around the city,” Huang Xuan said casually.

”Oh…” Li Qing felt like a disloyal minister tricking his boss with his son, which excited him.

Huang Qunsheng came home happily. It was related to a research on some kind of structure. Huang Xuan rarely saw such a smile on his father's face, which eased his restlessness.

After supper, he talked with his mother and told her that everything was fine. Then his father took the phone over and asked him to go upstairs. ”I have engaged a new private teacher for you. Get up early tomorrow morning,” he added.

Huang Xuan was glad that his teacher wasn't Da Silva anymore, but his new teacher might not be much different from Da Silva. Unfortunately, he didn't have a say in it.

”Did the travelers in the past use to learn many languages too? I wonder why they didn't kill themselves,” he said to Rolin angrily.

It was reasonable for a middle school student, who had just started to study English and been suffering from it, to freak out when he had found out that he had to be able to have a basic conversation in Portuguese within half a year. Rolin felt sorry for him.