Chapter 22 (1/2)

Several boys started arguing over something. Some girls covered up their mouths and were trying to escalate the discord. While the others were chirping, the initiator and authority of the pranks in the family, Huang Xuan, was asking Rolin quietly for prank products.

”Do you have roast that will disgust somebody for a year?”


” that will disgust somebody for a year?”


”How about beer?”


”What can disgust somebody for a year?”

”Chinese football.”

Huang Xuan gave up and decided to seek the most disgusting product, like laxative that could make someone have persistent diarrhea until he was dehydrated since the quant.i.ty of its ingredients had been doubled.

”I will trade one million kWh of electricity for the product,” sensing that Rolin wasn't sincere to help, Huang Xuan was willing to offer a bribe.

Rolin completely ignored him and wasn't moved at all.

”Two million kWh of electricity,” the price had been raised.

”Three million kWh of electricity! Rolin, that's the utmost. I have to feed myself.”

”I will consider it if you are willing to offer ten million kWh of electricity,” Rolin's answer almost gave Huang Xuan a heart attack.

Right at this height of the negotiation, seeing n.o.body was paying attention to himself, Huang Xuan said cautiously, ”Ten million kWh of electricity would cost more than ten million yuan, which would be enough for me to hire an” Huang Xuan still remembered ”the triangular eyes” had told him the cost of the electricity was over 1.6 yuan per kWh. ”Five million kWh. Make sure that he will be disgusted at least for half a year.”

”He will recall it after half a year,” answered Rolin artistically. Then he started to give Huang Xuan personal instructions on how to act and said at last, ”For ten million kWh of electricity, I will consider helping you kill an ordinary target.” Before Huang Xuan had changed the color of his face, he added, ”And I will make sure that no technology of this time can detect it.”

”You mean you have killed somebody?” Huang Xuan regretted asking that meaningless question right after he had finished that sentence. He remembered he had almost died in another plane when he had first met Rolin. He shook his body involuntarily and asked, ”What do you need so much energy for? Why do you kill people?”

”I need more energy,” answered Rolin blandly. ”As long as you supply sufficient energy, you will know the reason one day.”