Part 6 (1/2)



1. HAVE you _learned_ French yet? say _learnt_, as _learned_ is now used only as an adjective,--as, _a learned man_. p.r.o.nounce _learned_ in _two_ syllables.

2. The business would suit any one who _enjoys bad health_ [from an advertis.e.m.e.nt in a London newspaper]; say, any one _in a delicate state of health_, or, _whose health is but indifferent_.

3. ”We have no _corporeal_ punishment here,” said a schoolmaster once to the author of this little work. _Corporeal_ is opposed to _spiritual_; say, _corporal_ punishment. _Corporeal_ means _having a body_. The Almighty is not a _corporeal_ being, but a _spirit_, as St. John tells us.

4. That was a _notable_ circ.u.mstance. p.r.o.nounce the first syllable of _notable_ as _no_ in _notion_. Mrs. Johnson is a _notable_ housewife; that is to say, _careful_. p.r.o.nounce the first syllable of _notable_ as _not_ in _Nottingham_.

5. Put an _advertis.e.m.e.nt_ in the ”Times.” p.r.o.nounce _advertis.e.m.e.nt_ with the accent on _ver_, and not on _tise_.

6. He _rose up_ and left the room; leave out _up_.

7. You have _sown_ it very badly; say, _sewed_ it.

8. Mr. Dupont _learnt_ me French; say, _taught_. The _master teaches_, but the _pupil learns_.

9. John and Henry both read well, but John is the _best_ reader; say, the _better_ reader, as _best_ can only be said when _three or more persons_ or objects are compared.

10. The _two first_ pupils I had; say, the _first two_.

11. He has _mistook_ his true interest; say, _mistaken_.

12. Have you _lit_ the fire, Mary? say, _lighted_.

13. The doctor _has not yet came_; say, _has not yet come_.

14. I have always _gave_ him good advice; say, _given_.

15. To be is an _auxiliary_ verb. p.r.o.nounce _auxiliary_ in _five_ syllables, sounding the second _i_, and _not in four_, as we so frequently hear it.

16. _Celery_ is a pleasant edible; p.r.o.nounce _celery_ as it is written, and _not salary_.

17. Are you at _leisure_? p.r.o.nounce _lei_ in _leisure_ the same as _Lei_ in _Leith_, and _not_ so as to rhyme with _measure_.

18. Have you seen _the Miss Browns_ lately? say, _the Misses Brown_.

19. You have soon _forgot_ my kindness; say, _forgotten_.

20. He keeps _his coach_; say, _his carriage_.

21. John is my _oldest_ brother; say, _eldest_. _Elder_ and _eldest_ are applied to _persons_,--_older_ and _oldest_ to _things_.

22. Disputes have frequently _arose_ on that subject; say, _arisen_.

23. The cloth was _wove_ in a very short time; say, _woven_.

24. French is _spoke_ in every state in Europe; say, _spoken_.