Part 9 (1/2)

Juvenile Styles Mary Hoyer 40650K 2022-07-22

Dec 1 st at beg of the next 8 rows, (74 sts). Work even until armhole measures 7 inches measuring straight up from where the 5 sts were bound off. Work in pattern for 21 sts, bind off 32 sts, work remaining 21 sts.

Bind off 7 sts at beg of shoulder edge, 3 times. Work other shoulder to correspond, joining yarn at inside of neck.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 815

This stocking is knit spirally and regardless which way you pull on the stocking you automatically get a heel and toe--so you see--mothers, this is a boon to leisure moments when you ordinarily would be darning. You will notice that the spiral st.i.tch is repeated diagonally in the sweater and is very smart--especially for the young fellows who want to make _That Impression_.]

_Front_--Work same as for back until piece measures 13 inches from beginning (3 inches above armhole). Work 32 sts in pattern, Bind off 10 sts for neck. Work 32 sts, K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until 21 sts remain. Work even until armhole measures 7 inches, measuring from 5 bound off sts. Bind off 7 sts at beg of shoulder, 3 times. Work other shoulder to correspond.

_Sleeves_--With No. 2 needles, cast on 60 sts, K 2, P 2 for 3 inches.

Change to No. 3 needles and work in pattern, working first row as follows: K 1, P 4 (K 4, P 4, 3 times), K 2 (P 4, K 4, 3 times), P 4, K 1. Continue in pattern increasing 1 st on each end every inches until piece measures 15 inches, 90 sts or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Now dec 1 st at beg of every row until 40 sts remain, bind off.

_Band at neck_--Front--With No. 2 needles, holding right side toward you, pick up 76 sts across front, K 2, P 2 for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in K 2, P 2.

_Band at back_--Pick up 40 sts K 2, P 2 for 1 inch. Sew shoulder seams and band at neck. Sew seams at underarm. Insert sleeves into armholes, having seams meet.


_Spiral ribbed socks, without heels._

No. 815

_Needles_--_1 set No. 12 steel._

_Material_--_Heather sports yarn--4 ounces. Red, Yellow and Royal blue 1/8 ounce each. 1 spool elastic thread._

_Gauge_--_9 sts to 1 inch._

With heather cast on 72 sts (24 sts on each of 3 needles). Work in ribbing (K 2, P 2) for 8 rnds. Attach yellow yarn and K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 1 rnd. With heather, K 1 rnd K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With red, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With heather, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With royal blue, K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 5 rnds. With heather K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With red, K 1 rnd; K 2, P 2 for 2 rnds. With heather K 1 rnd, K 2, P 2, for 2 rnds. With yellow K 1 rnd; K 2, P 2 for 1 rnd. With heather K 1 rnd; K 2, P 2 for 13 rnds. Join elastic thread, K 1 rnd; *K 4, P 4 for 3 rnds. 4th rnd, K 4, P 4 to last st. Put this st on next needle. 5th rnd (first needle) K 4, P 4 to last st. Put this st on next needle. (2nd needle), same as first needle. (3rd needle), K 4, P 4 to end. This moves pattern over forming a spiral. Repeat from *, until work measures 22 inches from beginning, or desired length; after 2 patterns have been completed with elastic thread, continue with yarn for 2 patterns, then work 2 more patterns with elastic. Join yarn and complete.

_Toe_--P 7, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. P 2 rnds even. P 6, P 2 tog for 1 rnd. P 2 rnds even. Continue decreasing in this manner, purling 2 rnds even after every decrease rnd, 5 times more. Break thread and run through remaining sts. Fasten off.


No. 816


Size 10 to 12 years

_Needles_--_1 pair bone needles, size 3. 1 Circular needle size 3, 24-inch._

_Material_--_Cashmere Sports Yarn. Jacket--5 two ounce b.a.l.l.s White.

Skirt--4 two ounce b.a.l.l.s Red. Cap--1 two ounce ball White._

_Gauge_--_7 sts to 1 inch._


_Back_--Cast on 92 sts (96 sts, size 12). K 1 row, P 1 row for inch.

P 1 row on K side, to turn for hem. Continue to K 1 row, P 1 row, until work measures 1 inches from start. Dec 1 st on each side (90 sts).