Part 2 (1/2)
Starting at neck, with No. 2 needles, cast on 76 sts, K 1, P 1, for 3 rows. Beading: K 1, *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row. K 1, P 1 for 3 rows, cast on 2 sts. Change to No. 4 circular needle.
_Yoke_--Work in garter st (K each row). Row 1--K 8, *inc 1 st, K 5, repeat from *across row to within last 8 sts, K 8. Do not inc in first and last 8 sts thruout yoke. Cast on 2 sts. Row 2--K 1 row. Row 3--On next row, K back to within last 4 sts, bind off 2 sts for b.u.t.tonhole, K 2. On next row, cast on 2 sts over those bound off, K across row.
*Repeat Row 1 (but do not cast on the 2 sts). K 3 rows even. Repeat from *until you have 182 sts, working 2 more b.u.t.tonholes, 1 inch apart. On next row, K 24 sts, *slip 1 st, K 18 sts, repeat from *to within 25 sts, slip 1 st, K 24. On next row, K 3, P to within last 3 sts (Purling the sl st), K 3, repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch. On next K row, K 3, inc 1 st, K 9, inc 1 st, K 10, sl 1 st, continuing pattern across row, making an inc in center of each gore. Inc in 4th to last st same as beg of row.
Work even for 1 inch. Inc in same manner every inch, until cape measures 11 inches from end of yoke. K 12 rows, 6 ribs, bind off loosely on wrong side.
_Cord_--Ch 3, join, work 5 s c in ring. Work 2 s c in each st, until you have 12 s c. Work even until you have 5 rows. Fill with cotton. S c around decreasing a few sts in each row to close opening. Ch 24 inches.
Make another ball in same manner and attach to 2nd end.
[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 803
Even the baby is thought of when it comes to knitting--perhaps more so than the adult--for here is baby's early fall cape and hood for those evenings when it is just a bit too cool for baby to be without some sort of covering. Here is a practical answer, and an answer soft and alluring. The embroidery on the cape and hood has that ”smart touch”
that gives the garment a look of regality--for his--or her--_Royal Highness_--the Baby.]
Starting at first half of neck edge, with No. 2 needles, cast on 42 sts, K 1, P 1 for 4 rows. Change to No. 4 needles. *K 1 row, P 1 row for 1 inch always knitting first 4 sts on Purled rows for border at front. Now K 2 sts tog at back edge, repeat from *until piece measures 5 inches, 37 sts (measuring after the K 1, P 1 edge). Work 1 inch even. To start peak at top: _Row 1_--K 30 sts, turn. _Row 2_ and all even rows, P back, slipping first st. _Row 3_--K 24, turn. _Row 5_--K 18, turn. _Row 7_--K 12, turn. _Row 9_--K 6, turn.
All sts are now on left hand needle (this completes half of hood). On next row starting at back, K 9, turn. Following row: K 15, turn. Next row K 21, turn. Continue in this manner, increasing 6 sts every other row, until you have 33 sts on right hand needle, turn. P back and on next row, K 37. Work other half to correspond increasing 1 st every inch at back edge. Fold in half and sew seam. Sew hood to cape, starting about 2 inches from beading at beg of cape, gathering across leaving 2 inches at end.
No. 804
Size 2-4 years
_Needles_--_Bone American Standard No. 5. 1 Bone Crochet Hook, size 5._
_Material_--_Knitting Worsted, 4 Fold. Coat--10 ounces. Bonnet--3 ounces. 5 yards of Hat Cord. 4 Wooden b.u.t.tons._
_Gauge_--_6 sts to 1 inch K. 5 sts to 1 inch Cr._
_Back_--Cast on 108 sts (116 sts, size 4), work in garter st (K each row), for 1 inch. P 1 row, K 1 row, for 2 inches, 3 inches from bottom.
On next K row, dec 4 sts as follows: K 2 tog, K 33, K 2 tog, K 34, K 2 tog K 33, K 2 tog (104 sts). Work 1 inch even. K 2 tog, K 32, K 2 tog, K 32, K 2 tog, K 32, K 2 tog (100 sts). Work 1 inch even. Make another dec in same manner, having decreases come directly above those of previous rows, every inch until you have 9 inches, 80 sts. Work 2 inches even or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows for under arm, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 4 rows (70 sts). Work 4 rows even. On next K row, *K 3, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row but do not K last 2 sts tog. Yoke is worked in garter st for 3 inches (3 inches, size 4). Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 8 rows, bind off remaining sts for back of neck.
_Left Front_--Cast on 58 sts (60 sts, size 4), work in garter st for 1 inch. K 5 sts for border, P across, K 1 row, P 1 row for 2 inches always K 5 sts on purled rows at front for border. On next K row, dec 2 sts as follows: K 2 tog, K 24, K 2 tog, K 30 (56 sts). Work 1 inch even. K 2 tog, K 23, K 2 tog, K 29 (54 sts). Work 1 inch even. Make another dec in same manner, having decreases come directly above those of previous row, every inch, until you have 9 inches, 44 sts. Work 2 inches even or desired length to underarm. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next row that begins at underarm, then K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at underarm, 3 times (38 sts). Work 3 rows even. On next K row, *K 2 tog, K 2 repeat from *across row, K last 5 sts. Work yoke in garter st for 2 inches (2 inches, size 4). Bind off 7 sts at neck edge, then K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at neck edge, until you have 20 sts. Bind off 4 sts on next 4 rows that begin at armhole and dec 1 st on every row that begins at neck edge.
_Right Front_--Work to correspond until piece measures 8 inches, measuring on border at front. Work b.u.t.tonholes as follows: K 3 sts on border side, bind off 2 sts for b.u.t.tonhole, K across. On next row, cast on 2 sts over those bound off on previous row. Continue same as left side and continue b.u.t.tonholes 1 inches apart.