Part 18 (1/2)

The duty of doing something for Mrs. Hawthorne's pleasure was felt even by Charlie Hunt, who took her to a concert. When Gerald heard of it, he searched more persistently and, fate aiding, found something which might give the lady amus.e.m.e.nt, he thought, and would certainly afford an opportunity that would hardly have come her way without his good offices.

The morning mail brought him a note relating to his project; he did not wait for afternoon to communicate its contents.

It was eleven when he rang at Mrs. Hawthorne's door. He had hardly finished asking the servant whether the signora were at home when he heard her voice upstairs, singing behind closed doors.

She had said so many times, when he went through the formality of having himself announced and waiting for permission to present himself, ”Why didn't you come right up?” that this morning he said to the servant, ”It imports not to advise her. I shall mount.” Did the servant look faintly ironical, or did Gerald mistakenly imagine it?

The tune she sang sounded familiar. It must be a hymn, he decided, but could not remember what hymn, or even be sure it was one he had heard before, hymns are so much alike. He stopped at the sitting-room door and waited, listening to the big, free, untrained velvet voice, true throughout the low and medium registers, flat on the upper notes, the singer having carelessly pitched her hymn too high. He could hear the lines now, given with a swing that made them curl over at the ends, and with a punch on certain of the syllables, irrespective of their meaning:

”Feed me _with_--the heavenly manna In this _barr_--en wilder_ness_; Be my _s.h.i.+eld_, my sword, my banner, Be the Lord--my righteous_ness_!”

When she came to the words,

”Death of death and h.e.l.l's destruction,”

a bang and rattling ensued, as if some one were taking a practical hand in that work. The heavenly ferryman was thereupon besought with vigor to land her safe on Canaan's side, and the singing ceased.

Gerald stood waiting, if perchance there might be another verse, and wondered, while waiting, at the sounds he heard in the room, easy to recognize, but difficult to explain. When it seemed certain that the music was at an end, he, after hesitating for some minutes longer, gently tapped.

”Oh, come in!” was shouted from inside. ”_Entrez_, will you?


He opened the door a little way, discreetly, and put in his head, ready to draw it back at once should he see his morning call as befalling inopportunely.

Aurora was so far from expecting him that for a second or two she actually did not recognize him, and waited to understand what was wanted of her. Her head was tied in a white cloth, her sleeves were turned back, she had on an ap.r.o.n, and she held a broom. The furniture was pushed together out of the corners, some of it covered with sheets; the windows were open. No mistake possible. Aurora was sweeping.

A burst of laughter rang; the broom-handle knocked on the floor.

”Yes, I'm sweeping,” she cried. ”Come right in! You find me practising one of my accomplishments. I can't play the piano, I can't speak languages, I can't paint bunches of flowers on black velvet; but I can sweep, I can cook, I can wash dishes--or babies, one just as well as the other, and I can nurse the sick.”

”I am afraid I have come at an inconvenient moment.”

”Not at all. I'm glad to see you. I was most through, anyhow.”

She had pulled the cloth off her head, and was patting her hair before the gla.s.s. She turned down her cuffs, untied her ap.r.o.n, and came to shake hands, smiling as usual.

”You caught me,” she said. ”When I feel a certain way, I've got to work off steam, and there's nothing that does it like sweeping.”

”I beg of you--I beg of you to let me close those windows for you!”

”All right. I'm awfully hot, but I guess the room's cold. We can have a fire in a minute. Everything's there to make it.”

”I beg you will not trouble! I shall only remain a moment and leave you to finish.”

”No, now, no; don't go and leave me. I was only sweeping to be doing something. To clean the room wasn't my real object. I took their work from Zaira and Vitale, who are the ones to do it usually, in a way that's new to me, with damp sawdust. It's nearly finished, anyhow. All I've got to do is fold the sheets and push things back into their places.”

”Oh, Mrs. Hawthorne, please, please, allow me--”

He tried to help her, waking to the fact that she was as strong as he, if not stronger.