Part 15 (1/2)

She hadn't known how much dirty talk could turn her on. Combined with his s.e.xy voice it thrilled her unbearably. Her core muscles tightened, she wound her legs around his hips meeting him thrust for thrust, and she came with his name on her lips once again.

”I'm glad you like what I have in store for you,” he said against her cheek before lifting her bottom with his hand and moving deeper inside her.

Catching her breath, she moaned against his continued onslaught. He didn't let up and his measured, insistent rhythm took her right back to the edge of release. ”Bryce,” she moaned.

”Come for me one more time.” He lifted her hips higher, hitting her sensitive core at just the right angle and...

”Oh...Oh G.o.d,” she shouted, convulsing around him a second time.

He followed right behind, shuddering then stiffening with his release before he collapsed on top of her.

She was 100 percent ruined. And happier than she'd ever admit. He rolled over and tucked her against his side. ”Give me a few minutes,” he said, sounding tired but happy, ”before I make good on my promises.”

She circled his nipple with her finger. ”That's a pretty short recovery time.”

”You inspire me.”

”Yeah?” She loved the sound of that. What she didn't love was the sound of the doorbell.

”Is that someone at-”

She bolted up. She'd been unaware of the rain while making love with Bryce, but now the incessant thrumming of the storm on her window came through loud and clear. ”Yes. I think it's probably my neighbor and she needs my help.”

Chapter Nine.

Rain pelted Bryce's back as he removed the wet, muddy leaves from the drain in Mrs. Jamison's backyard. His finger stung like a mother, having sliced it open when he pried the rusted metal drain cover off, but his efforts were paying off. Water ran down the pipe now rather than pooling around the opening.

The tiny, older woman had been so frantic at Honor's front door that he'd run out without shoes and barely had his pants zipped and b.u.t.toned.

He glanced up at the sliding gla.s.s door where he'd insisted Honor wait with Mrs. Jamison. Honor had her arm around the woman's shoulders and her lips moved. No doubt she spoke rea.s.suring and caring words to her neighbor. His heart swelled with affection. Honor's regard for others was insanely attractive.

Reaching as far down as his arm could go, he scooped out the last of the caked-together leaves. Tomorrow he'd call someone to run a plumber's snake down the drain to rid any more clogs.

He stood and gave a thumbs-up, glad the water level around the small yard had dropped considerably. Mrs. Jamison put a hand to her chest in a gesture of grat.i.tude and relief. Honor motioned with a thumb over her shoulder to meet him around front.

The warped wood side gate took some heaving to close properly and he made a mental note to mention it to Danny. His friend could have it fixed in no time.

Honor met him under the awning at the garage. Her dazzling smile made him eager to get back to her bedroom. ”Mrs. Jamison says you're her hero.”

He shrugged off the description before a full body s.h.i.+ver swept over him. ”I was happy to help.”

”You're freezing. Come on.” She ran ahead of him to her front door. Once there she pushed him inside and straight into the bathroom where she turned on the shower.

Curious as to what exactly she had in store for him, he kept still, arms at his sides. He'd taken charge in the bedroom. Maybe she'd like to run the show here as steam filled the room. Just until he put into play the next blitz on her smoking hot body.

Her regard connected with his and the chill that had seeped under his skin disappeared. With one look she set his blood on fire. With one look he knew there was nothing casual about what they were doing. He should hightail it out of here right now, but the drawing power swirling between them had roots that defied his good sense. He'd set his mind to pulling them up in the morning.

She pulled his dripping wet s.h.i.+rt over his head then bent down to remove his drenched pants. She'd unb.u.t.toned and unzipped him when her head jerked back and she started inspecting his torso. ”You're bleeding somewhere.” Her voice, full of concern, hit him square in the gut. ”There's blood on the floor.”

He lifted his arm and sure enough blood dripped down his index finger. ”It's nothing.”

”It's not nothing.” She popped to her feet and took his wrist to tug him to the sink. With his hand over the porcelain bowl she studied the wound. ”You cut it on the drain?”


”When was your last teta.n.u.s shot?”

The corners of his mouth lifted. Nurse Honor was d.a.m.n adorable. ”h.e.l.l if I know.” He flinched when her fingers got a little too close to the action.

”You need st.i.tches.”

”No way.”

”Way.” She put his finger under the faucet and washed it with soap and warm water.

He clenched his jaw. Jesus Christ, that hurt.

”Here's what you're going to do. Jump in the shower really quick to get warm, I'll find some sweats of Cooper's for you to put on, and then I'm taking you to the ER.” She turned off the water and dropped back to the floor to wrangle his pants and underwear off him.

With only one night to do all the things he planned to do to her, the last thing he wanted was to waste time with a trip to the hospital.

Her warm breath fanned over his c.o.c.k and it sprang to life.

”Bryce! This is serious.”

”As a hard on.”

She stood, put her palm over his heart. The skin there heated. ”Do what I asked and I'll take very good of that later.”

Hard-no pun intended-to argue with that, especially when her s.e.xy voice carried soft-heartedness that he felt deep in his chest. He got in and out of the shower, put on the clothes she gave him and pressed some gauze to his finger to try and stop the bleeding that refused to let up.

”Okay, let's go,” she said from the bathroom doorway. She'd slipped on knee-high black rain boots with white polka dots on them and a black trench coat with a belt cinched around her waist.

”Looking at you, I want it to rain every day.” He didn't hide his top to bottom perusal. Covered from head to toe she still stole his breath.

A blush fanned across her cheeks. ”Quit stalling and come on.” When he didn't budge, she t.i.tled her head to the side and studied him.

”I really think a Band Aid will do,” he a.s.serted.

”Trust me. It won't.” She stepped closer like maybe she understood what he was really trying to say. The idea that she recognized his unspoken thoughts on the situation threw the night completely off balance. He was here for one night of s.e.x. The last thing he wanted was her inside his head.

”How do you know?” he ventured anyway.

She gulped. ”Coop's had more st.i.tches than I've had sneezes.” She ran her fingers through his damp hair. ”You don't like hospitals, do you?”

”Not really.” His heart hurdled to the back of his throat. She got him.