Part 10 (1/2)

”Ouch. Really?” Honor winced. ”Would it help if I told you, you looked great skating?”

”Enough about me.” s.h.i.+rley tapped her arm. ”Tell me about the hot stuff that came in to see you the other day.”

”Hot stu-you mean Bryce?”

”So that's his name.”

c.r.a.p. She'd just told TMZ's most faithful watcher way too much. The clock on the bell tower chimed, drawing Honor's eye to the time and the clear sky above. An airplane flew silently in the distance. Maybe by ring twelve s.h.i.+rley would lose interest.

Or pull a tongue muscle so she couldn't talk.

She did not just think that. Bad Honor. Was it even possible to injure your tongue like that?

Maybe with Bryce-oh my G.o.d, she had to stop thinking about him like that. ”Shouldn't you be manning the front desk?” Honor asked sweetly.

”I'm on my lunch break. Are you two dating?”

Honor bit back a groan. s.h.i.+rley and her band of gossip girls disguised as sweet little old ladies had known Honor her whole life. They meant well, but they wanted every young person married off. ”No.”

”Why not?”

Honor pressed two fingers to her temple. ”It's complicated.”

s.h.i.+rley put her hand on Honor's knee. ”He has a girlfriend?”

No, but... ”Something like that.” Not for the first time she wondered if giving in to her desires meant betraying Payton. Her best friend was gone. She and Bryce clicked. But even so, she couldn't trust herself not to disappoint him somehow. Or do something to hurt him. And that thought bothered her more than having something that was once Pay's.

”Hey, H., Mrs. B.,” Cooper said. Honor had never been happier to see her brother.

”h.e.l.lo, Cooper,” s.h.i.+rley said.

”Mind if I talk to my sister?”

s.h.i.+rley frowned, obviously not done with her interrogation. Honor smiled at her as she stood. ”Of course.”

Coop took s.h.i.+rley's spot and the two of them watched her skate away. ”Looked like you wanted to crawl out of your skin there.”

”Thanks for the rescue.”

”Always. Hey, I'm heading to LA now and I'll be back sometime tomorrow night. I'm cras.h.i.+ng at Ty's house.”

”You're meeting with that other agent?” She posed it as a question, but she knew the answer.

”Don't sound so happy about it.”

”I'm not.” She turned to face him more squarely. ”Are you sure-”

”Chill or I'm not going to say anything more about it to you.” He drilled her with blue eyes that seemed far more mature than his nineteen years. ”I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions.”

”Whatever.” She crossed her arms and slouched back against the bench. He might think he knew best, but he didn't. Not that Honor did, but as the older sibling she should.


She looked up and found Aiden blocking the sun. ”Hi, Aiden.” She sat up taller.

”I thought that was you.” Aiden turned to Coop. ”And it's Cooper, right? We met at Zane's wedding.”

”Yo,” her brother said, taking in Aiden like he had very sharp devil horns poking out of his sun-bleached hair.

”I wasn't sure if you were still in town,” Honor said.

”I'm leaving tomorrow.” His nice green eyes shouted player and they were on her like crazy glue.

Hmm. Leaving tomorrow. Cute. Nice. Interested. Could she tick off her one night stand with him? With all these insane thoughts about Bryce she really needed to let off some s.e.xual steam. She got to her feet. ”Where are you headed?”

”Hawaii.” His gaze took a nice slow stroll down her body.

Cooper jumped up. ”H, a word?” He linked his arm with hers and tugged.

”Excuse me a minute,” she said over her shoulder, then to Coop, ”What are you doing?”

He took several more steps before stopping. ”The guy wants in your pants.”

”I know.”

”And you're okay with that? What is wrong with you?”

”You know what? You don't want me in your business, so keep out of mine.”

Irritation rolled off Coop's puffed out chest. ”Personal business is different. I'm not gonna let this guy take advantage of you.”

Honor bristled at his choice of words. She could d.a.m.n well take care of herself. ”No one is taking advantage of me. I'm a big girl.”

”I know something happened at Dad's company party and you won't talk about it, but ever since then you've been totally closed off. This dude does not deserve whatever you want to give him.” Coop slanted his head so he spoke into her ear. ”I saw him leave the Harpoon with a girl two nights ago, H, don't add to his scorecard.”

Her brother didn't get it. Aiden was the perfect one night stand. She needed a guy she didn't feel anything for so she could cross the deed off Payton's list without worry of getting attached.

But the thought of him with another girl just the other night didn't sit right. There was also the chance she'd see him again since he and Zane were friends.

She spun around and stepped toward Aiden. ”Sorry about that.”

”No problem.” He smiled. ”You busy later? I can't think of anyone prettier to spend dinner with before I go.”

Sweet talker. Say yes. Say you'd love to. Coop will be gone. You can bring Aiden home with you. ”I am actually. But thanks for asking.” Stupid principles.

”My loss. It was nice meeting you.”

”You, too.”

Aiden lifted his chin to Coop and took off. ”I knew you couldn't do it,” Coop said, his hand landing on her shoulder.