Part 54 (1/2)

”I'm thinking it might have been better if ye had no troubled Jessy,” he commented.

”I'm sorry I can't agree with you,” Carroll retorted. ”The difference between this evening and noon to-morrow is a big consideration.”

”Weel,” replied Nairn resignedly; ”I can no deny the thing, if ye look at it like that.”

Carroll changed the subject; but some time later Mrs. Nairn sat down near him in the temporary absence of her husband and Evelyn.

”We will no be disturbed for two or three minutes,” she said. ”Ye answered Alic like a Scotsman before supper and put him off the track, though that's no so easy done.”

Carroll grinned. He enjoyed an encounter with Mrs. Nairn, though she was, as a rule, more than a match for him.

”You're too complimentary,” he declared. ”The genuine Caledonian caution can't be acquired by outsiders; it's a gift.”

”I'll no practise it now,” returned the lady. ”Ye're no so proud of yourself for nothing. What have ye been after?”

Carroll crossed his finger-tips and looked at her over them.

”Since you ask the question, I may say this--If Miss Chisholm has two lady visitors during the next few days, you might make sure that she sees them.”

”What are their names?”

”Miss Celia Hartley, the daughter of the prospector who sent Vane off to look for the timber, and Miss Kitty Blake, who, as you have probably heard, once came down the west coast with him, in company with an elder lady and myself.”

Mrs. Nairn started, then she looked thoughtful, and finally she broke into a smile of open appreciation.

”Now,” she e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed, ”I understand. I did no think it of ye. Ye're no far from a genius!”

”Thanks. I believe I succeeded better than I could have expected, and perhaps than I deserved.”

They were interrupted then by Nairn, who came hastily into the room.

”There's one of the _Atlin_ deck-hands below,” he announced. ”He's come on here from Horsfield's to say that the boat's ready with a full head of steam up, and the packers ye hired are waiting on the wharf.”

Carroll rose and became in a moment intent and eager.

”Tell him I'll be down almost as soon as he is. You'll have to excuse me.” Two minutes later he left the house, and fervent good wishes followed him from the party on the stoop. He did not stop to acknowledge them, but shortly afterward the blast of a whistle came ringing across the roofs from beside the water-front.



One afternoon three or four days after Carroll had sailed, Evelyn sat alone in Mrs. Nairn's drawing-room, a prey to confused regrets and keen anxiety. She had recovered from the first shock caused her by Carroll's news, but though she could face the situation more calmly, she could find no comfort anywhere--Vane was lying, helpless and famis.h.i.+ng, in the frost-bound wilderness. She knew that she loved the man; indeed, she had really known it for some time, and it was that which had made Jessy's revelation so bitter. Now, fastidious in thought and feeling as she was, she wondered whether she had been too hard upon him; it was becoming more and more difficult to believe that he could have justified her disgust and anger; but this was not what troubled her most. She had sent him away with cold disfavor. Now he was threatened by dangers. It was horrible to think of what might befall him before a.s.sistance arrived, and yet she could not drive the haunting dread out of her mind.

She was in this mood when a maid announced that two visitors wished to see her; and when they were shown in, she found it difficult to hide her astonishment as she recognized in Kitty the very attractive girl she had once seen in Vane's company. It was this which prompted her to a.s.sume a chilling manner, though she asked her guests to be seated. Neither of them appeared altogether at her ease, and there was, indeed, a rather ominous sparkle in Kitty's blue eyes.

”Mr. Carroll was in town not long ago,” Kitty began bluntly. ”Have you had any news of him since he sailed?”

Evelyn did not know what to make of the question, and she answered coldly.