Part 12 (1/2)
G.o.d rest you, Chrysten gentil men, Wherever you may be,-- G.o.d rest you all in fielde or hall, Or on ye stormy sea; For on this morn oure Chryst is born That saveth you and me.
Last night ye shepherds in ye east Saw many a wondrous thing; Ye sky last night flamed pa.s.sing bright Whiles that ye stars did sing, And angels came to bless ye name Of Jesus Chryst, oure Kyng.
G.o.d rest you, Chrysten gentil men, Faring where'er you may; In n.o.blesse court do thou no sport, In tournament no playe, In paynim lands hold thou thy hands From bloudy works this daye.
But thinking on ye gentil Lord That died upon ye tree, Let troublings cease and deeds of peace Abound in Chrystantie; For on this morn ye Chryst is born That saveth you and me.
I thought myself indeed secure, So fast the door, so firm the lock; But, lo! he toddling comes to lure My parent ear with timorous knock.
My heart were stone could it withstand The sweetness of my baby's plea,-- That timorous, baby knocking and ”Please let me in,--it's only me.”
I threw aside the unfinished book, Regardless of its tempting charms, And opening wide the door, I took My laughing darling in my arms.
Who knows but in Eternity, I, like a truant child, shall wait The glories of a life to be, Beyond the Heavenly Father's gate?
And will that Heavenly Father heed The truant's supplicating cry, As at the outer door I plead, ”'T is I, O Father! only I”?
Strange that the city thoroughfare, Noisy and bustling all the day, Should with the night renounce its care, And lend itself to children's play!
Oh, girls are girls, and boys are boys, And have been so since Abel's birth, And shall be so till dolls and toys Are with the children swept from earth.
The self-same sport that crowns the day Of many a Syrian shepherd's son, Beguiles the little lads at play By night in stately Babylon.
I hear their voices in the street, Yet 't is so different now from then!
Come, brother! from your winding-sheet, And let us two be boys again!
Ho, pretty bee, did you see my croodlin doo?
Ho, little lamb, is she jinkin' on the lea?