Part 21 (1/2)
Partners and Employees to Avoid.
- The Thoracic should avoid Osseous employees and Osseous partners, for the reason that this type can no more understand the Thoracic than it can understand the easy-going Alimentive. These two types are at opposite ends of the pole, and to blend them harmoniously in any relations.h.i.+p is almost impossible. The Thoracic employer, who always wants things done instantly, is maddened by the slow, unadaptable Osseous employee.
Bosses to Avoid.
- For the reasons stated above, every Thoracic person should avoid working for extremely bony people. The Osseous is as much irritated by the rapid-fire reactions of the Thoracic employee as the Thoracic is by the slowness of the Osseous.
Localities to Avoid.
- The Thoracic individual should avoid all localities which would cut him off from his kind. He should never, except when combined with the Osseous in type, live in remote regions, on the edge of civilization or too far away from neighbors. Companions.h.i.+p is always essential to his happiness and success.
Vocations for the Pure Thoracics.
- Art, advertising, comic opera, grand opera, concert singing, the stage, the screen and all forms of high cla.s.s reception work are the lines for pure Thoracics.
For Thoracic-Alimentives.
- Medicine, merchandizing of artistic, esthetic commodities, life insurance, moving pictures, novelty salesmans.h.i.+p, and demonstrating.
For Thoracic-Musculars.
- Vocal and instrumental music, interior decoration, politics, social service, advertising, athletics and design.
For Thoracic-Osseous.
- Landscape gardening, scientific research, the ministry.
For Thoracic-Cerebrals.
- Authors.h.i.+p, private secretarys.h.i.+p, education, journalism, musical composition, publicity work, photography.
Part Three.
- The Muscular works best with things. He does not sell them as well as does the Alimentive--for the things he is interested in are not the things that sell but the things that move. He likes to work with high-powered cars, machinery of all kinds, and everything that involves motion. These things, though necessities sometimes and luxuries occasionally, are not such necessities as food, clothing and homes. Therefore there is no such market for them. The automobile has almost made itself a necessity, but even it is not yet as necessary to human happiness as food, clothing or shelter.
The Born Mechanic and Inventor.
- The Muscular is the born mechanic and inventor. He enjoys working with things he can handle, mold, change, construct and improve with his powerful, efficient hands. Most of the mechanics of the world are Musculars and every inventor has the Muscular element strongly marked in him.
Chances for Money-Making.
- The Muscular's chances for making money are not as great as those of the Alimentive, for the reason that he deals best with things the world can sometimes get along without. His money-making chances are not as great as those of the Thoracic, for he is not fitted to win the public favor which comes to the latter. Also the Muscular's vocations are not as well paid as those of the two former types, unless his inventions are successful.
The Orator.
- Oratory furnishes one of the best fields for the Muscular's money-making and fame-achieving opportunities. Every man and woman who has acquired fame or fortune on the public platform has much of the Muscular type in his makeup--always, however, in combination with the Cerebral.
Capitalizes His Activity Instincts.
- As shown in Chapter III, the Muscular, like the other types, capitalizes his chief instinct. In his case it is the instinct of activity. The Muscular likes activity, so he likes work, and because he is a good worker he nearly always has work to do.
The Muscularly Inclined.
- Every person Muscularly inclined can make a success at something of a practical nature, in the handling, running, driving, constructing or inventing of machinery.
Things to Avoid.
- The Muscular should avoid all vocations which confine him within small areas, pin him down to inactivity or sedentary work.
Business Partners to Select.
- The Musculars should select Musculars as their first choice in business partners, with Cerebrals second and Thoracics third.
Partners and Employees to Avoid.
- The Muscular should avoid the Osseous partner, the Osseous boss and the Osseous employee because his pugnacity makes it almost impossible for him to work harmoniously with this type.
Localities to Avoid.
- The Muscular can work in almost any locality. But he should avoid every place which keeps him too closely confined.
Vocations for Pure Musculars.
- The driving of high-powered cars, airplanes, machinery of all kinds, and work with his hands are the lines in which the average Muscular is most often successful. Other lines for him are construction, civil engineering, mechanics, professional dancing, acrobatics, athletics and pugilism.
Women of this type make splendid physical culture teachers and expert swimmers.
For Muscular-Alimentives.
- The manufacturing and selling of practical foods, clothing and shelter; also politics.
For Muscular-Thoracics.
- Advertising, sculpture, osteopathy, athletics, exploration, medicine, baritone and tenor singing, instrumental music, politics, social service, transportation, designing and dentistry.
For Muscular-Osseous.
- Construction, bridge building, office law, policemen and police women, mechanics, mining.
For Muscular-Cerebrals.
- Architecture, art, journalism, trial or jury law, oratory, surgery, transportation. Teachers and tragedians also come from this type.
Part Four.