Part 17 (1/2)

- What they do with their quarrels after they are through with them determines to a great extent the ultimate success of any pair's marriage. Alimentive husbands and wives bury the hatchet sooner than other types and they avoid altercations.

Lives Anywhere.

- The Alimentive wife offers less resistance to her husband's plans than any other. So when he announces they are moving to some other neighborhood, city or state she acquiesces with better grace than other types.

Family Friends.

- The responsibility of adding new friends to the family rests equally upon each partner in marriage. The average husband, by reason of mingling more with the world, has the greater opportunity, but every wife can and should consider that she owes it to herself, her husband and her children to contribute her quota.

Alimentive husbands and wives add their share of new acquaintances to any marriage in which they are partners. The Alimentive wife always enjoys having people in to dinner and the Alimentive husband enjoys bringing them. The warmth of hospitality in Alimentive homes brings them more friends.h.i.+ps than come to other types.

Fat Man Also Marries Young.

- The fat man marries young, but for a different reason than the fat woman. The fat man, as you will note, ”gets a job” early in life. From that time on his services seldom go begging.

He makes a good salary earlier than other types and is therefore sooner in a position to marry.

The ”Ladies' Man”

- Just as the fat woman is ”a man's woman,” so the fat man is almost invariably ”a ladies' man.” The fat man usually ”knows women” better than any other type and it is certain that the fat woman ”knows men.” Her record proves it.

No Fat Bachelors.

- Just as there are few fat ”old maids,” there are few fat bachelors. You can count on the fingers of one hand all the really overweight ones you ever knew.

The Best ”Provider”

- Because he makes money easily through the various forms of his superior business qualifications, the average fat man has plenty of money for his family and likes to spend it upon them. He is the best provider of all the types. Fat people are the most lenient parents and usually over-indulge their children.

The husband who makes a habit for years of sending home crates of the first strawberries, melons and oranges of the season is a fat one every time.

Desirable Traits of Fat Husbands.

- His generous provision for his family and the fact that he is essentially a ”family man” are two desirable traits of the Alimentive husband. He depends more on his home than other types, he marries young to have a home and he is seldom farther away from it than he has to be.

It is unfortunate that the one type which makes the best ”travelling man” is more inconvenienced by the absence from home than any other type would be. But he has not submitted silently. All the world knows what a ”hard life” the traveling salesman leads and how he misses ”the wife, the kids and the good home cooking.”

Weaknesses of Alimentive Husbands.

- The Alimentive husband has but one weakness that materially endangers his marital happiness. He is inclined to be too easy and extravagant, and not to save money.

Mates for Alimentives.

- Because of his amenability the Alimentive can marry almost any type and be happy. But for fullest happiness, those who are predominantly Alimentive--that is, those in whom the Alimentive type comes first--should marry, as a first choice, those who are predominantly Muscular. The Muscular shares the Alimentive's ambition to ”get on in the world” and at the same time adds to the union the practicality which offsets the too easy-going, lackadaisical tendencies of the Alimentive.

The second choice for the predominantly Alimentive should be the one who is predominantly Thoracic. These two types have much in common. The brilliance and speed of the Thoracic keeps the Alimentive ”looking to his laurels,” and thus tends to prevent the carelessness which is so great a handicap to the predominantly Alimentive.

The third choice of the predominantly Alimentive may be one who is also predominantly Alimentive, but in that case it should be an Alimentive-Muscular or an Alimentive-Cerebral.

The last type the pure Alimentive should ever marry is the pure Cerebral.

Part Two.


- The Thoracic in love exhibits the same general traits which characterize him in all his other relations.h.i.+ps.

The Most Beautiful Woman.

- The Thoracic woman is the most beautiful type of all. She is not ”pretty” like the Alimentive, but her refined features and beautiful coloring give her a distinctive appearance.

The Handsomest Man.

- The Thoracic is also the handsomest man of all. He is tall, high-chested, wide-shouldered and has the masculine face resulting from his high-bridged, prominent nose and high cheek bones.

The Thoracic Charmer.

- The Thoracic has more of that quality we call ”charm” than any other type. Charm is largely self-expression by tactful methods. Since this type is the most self-expressive and the most tactful it possesses naturally this invaluable trait.

Both men and women of this type have an elusive, attractive something in their personalities that others do not have--a very personal appeal that makes an immediate impression. It pierces farther beneath the surface of strangers than other types do on much longer acquaintance. The Thoracic does not seem a stranger at all. His own confidences, given to you almost immediately upon meeting you, remove the barriers.

The Lure of the Thoracic.

- There is about the Thoracic person a lure that others seldom have. You do not attempt to describe it. You say ”he is just different,” and he is. No other type has his spontaneity and instantaneous responsiveness.

So while the Alimentive is always liked, it is in a more mild, easy, comfortable way. The Alimentive does not stir the blood but has a strong, tender, even hold on people. The Thoracic, on the other hand, intrigues your attention, impales it, and holds it.

Love at First Sight.

- The Thoracics fall in love at first sight much more often than other types. They also cause others to fall in love with them without preliminaries, for they pursue the object of their affections with a fire and fury that is almost irresistible.

- Hundreds of persons marry each year who have known each other but a few days or weeks. In every instance you will find that one of them is a Thoracic--and usually both. No other type can become so hopelessly in love on such short notice.

The Most Flirtatious.

- The Thoracic is a born philanderer.

He does not mean to mislead or injure, but flirtation is second nature to him. This comes from the fact that flirtation, more than any other human experience, contains that adventurous, thrilling element he desires.

Overheard in Transit.

- We overheard the following conversation in the street car the other day between two young women who occupied the seat in front of us: ”I was sorry to hurt him,” explained the Thoracic. ”I did love him last week and I told him so, but I don't love him any more and I do love somebody else now.” She really loved him--last week!

Thoracics can have a severe case of love, and get just as completely over it in a week as the rest of us get over the measles.

The Joy of Life.

- A joy in living expresses itself in almost everything the Thoracic does, especially when he is young. Such people appear almost electrical. These are traits of great fascination and the Thoracic uses them freely upon others throughout his life.