Part 10 (1/2)
The Naturally Independent.
- ”Standing on his own legs” is a well-known trait of the Muscular. Dependence is bred of necessity. This type being able to get for himself most of the things he wants, rarely finds it necessary to call upon others for a.s.sistance.
Love of self-government, plus fighting pluck, both of which are inherent in the Muscular Irish race, are responsible for the long struggle for their independence.
Likes Plain Foods.
- ”Meat and potatoes” are the favorite diet of the average American Muscular. The Alimentive wants richness and sweetness in food, the Thoracic wants variety and daintiness but the Muscular wants large quant.i.ties of plain food.
The Alimentive specializes in desserts, the Thoracic in unusual dishes, but the Muscular wants solid fare. He is so fond of meat it is practically impossible for him to confine himself to a vegetable diet.
When He is in Moderate Circ.u.mstances - The Muscular is most often found in moderate circ.u.mstances. He is rarely far below or far above them. Most of the plain, simple, everyday things he desires can be secured by people of average means. He does not feel the necessity for becoming a millionaire to obtain comforts like the Alimentive, nor for extravagances like the Thoracic.
When He is Rich.
- Philanthropy marks the expenditures of this type whenever he is rich. He does not spend as much of his money for possessions but enjoys investing it in what he deems the real--that is, other human beings.
The most plain and durable things in furnis.h.i.+ngs, architecture and service characterize the rich of this type in their homes.
The World's Work Done by Musculars.
- Broadly speaking, the fat man manages the world, the florid man entertains the world, and the muscular man does the work of the world.
He composes most of the day-laborers, the middle men, the manual and mechanical toilers the world around, as we have stated before.
He could get out of his hard places into better paid ones if he did not like activity so well, but lacking the love of ease and show he is willing to work hard for the necessities of life.
Simple Habits.
- The Muscular's nature does not demand the exciting, the gregarious or the food-and-drink things that lead toward laxity.
He is seldom a dissipator. He likes to go to bed early, work hard and make practical progress in his life.
He leads the simple and yet the most strenuous existence of any type.
Entertainment He Enjoys.
- Plays about plain people, their everyday experiences, hopes and fears are the kind that interest this type most.
The ”problem play” of a decade ago was a prime favorite with him. He likes everything dealing with these everyday commonplace affairs with which he is most familiar.
He frequently goes to serious lectures--something the pure Alimentive always avoids--and he especially enjoys them if they deal with the problem of the here and now.
He cares little for comic opera, vaudeville or revues because he feels they serve no practical purpose and get him nowhere. This type does not attend the theater merely to be amused. He goes for light on his everyday experiences and usually considers time wasted that is spent solely on entertainment.
Music He Likes.
- Band music, stirring tunes and all music with ”go” to it appeals to this type.
- True stories, news and the sport page are the favorite newspaper reading of the Muscular. He does not take to sentimental stories so much as the Alimentive, nor to adventure so much as the Thoracic but sticks to practical subjects almost exclusively.
Being active most of his waking hours, and strenuously active at that, the Muscular is often too tired at night to read anything.
His Favorite Sports.
- The most violent sports are popular with this type. Football, baseball, handball, tennis, rowing and pugilism are his preferences. All experts in these lines are largely Muscular.
Physical a.s.sets.
- His wonderful muscular development, upon which depends so much of life's happiness--since accomplishment is measured so largely thereby--is the greatest physical a.s.set of this type. With it he can accomplish almost anything of which his mind can conceive.
He is capable of endless effort, does not tire easily, and because of his directness makes his work count to the utmost of his mental capacity.
Physical Liabilities.
- A tendency to overwork is the chief physical pitfall of this type. The disease to which he is most susceptible is rheumatism. But owing to his love of activity he exercises more than any other type and thus forestalls many diseases.
Social a.s.sets.
- His generosity is the strongest social a.s.set of the Muscular. He is usually straightforward and sincere and thereby gains the confidence of those who meet him.
Social Liabilities.
- His loud voice and his plain ways are the disadvantages under which this type labors in social intercourse. He needs polis.h.i.+ng and is not inclined to take it. His pugnacity is also a severe drawback.
Emotional a.s.sets.
- Understanding, enthusiasm and warmth of heart are the emotional qualities which help to make him the public leader he so often is. These have made him the ”born orator,” the radical and the reformer of all ages.
Emotional Liabilities.
- His tendency to anger and combat are shackles that seriously handicap him. Many times these lose him the big opportunities which his splendid traits might obtain for him.
Business a.s.sets.
- Efficiency and willingness to work hard and long are the greatest business a.s.sets of this type.
Business Liabilities.
- Pugnacity over trifles costs the average Muscular many business chances. He has to fight out every issue and while he is doing it the other fellow closes the deal.
He is inclined to argue at great length. This helps him as a lawyer or speaker but it hurts him in business. Curbing his combativeness in business should be one of his chief aims.
Domestic Strength.