Part 20 (2/2)

Anna continued to weep.

”Sire,” said she, sobbing, ”remember that if you do not punish the slanderers, they will soon attack your own person, which is so sacred to us.”

”Be content,” replied the King. ”I give you my word that I will not suffer any one to slander you, my dearest.”

Thus the scene ended. Cosel was obliged to promise that she would not let Furstenberg know that she had learned of the accusation he had made against her.

Thanks to Zaklika, Cosel was victorious.

The pacified King returned to his castle, but throughout the next day he did not speak a word to Furstenberg. The Grand Master of the court, Augustus Lecherenne, received an order to leave Dresden within twenty-four hours.

This was such an unexpected blow to the young Count, that he was unable to believe the tidings. He rushed immediately to see Countess Cosel.

When Zaklika went to announce his arrival to her, she blushed from fear and uneasiness.

”Tell him,” said she calmly, ”that I cannot receive those whom the King has banished--tell him, also,” added she, lowering her voice, ”that I am sorry he has to go.”

Saying this, she pulled from her finger a diamond ring that had been given her by the King.

”Give him this ring from me,” she whispered, turning her eyes away from the faithful servant.

Zaklika turned pale.

”Countess,” he ventured to say, in a m.u.f.fled voice, ”kindly excuse me, but this ring is from the King.”

Cosel, who could not brook the slightest contradiction, turned towards him with a threatening glance and frowning brow.

”I do not ask you for advice, I give you an order and you have to execute it,” said she.

Zaklika left the room, confused; he waited for a few moments behind the door. A few years back, a Bohemian n.o.ble had given him a costly ring, similar to the one he now held, as a reward for his great strength.

Some presentiment caused him to change the rings; he gave his own to Count Lecherenne, and hid the ring the Countess had given him, close to his heart.

A few days later, the King entered Cosel's room while she was dressing.

As it was always her custom to wear that ring, the jealous lover immediately noticed its absence.

”Where is my ring?” he asked.

Cosel began to search for it, while the King's face grew crimson.

”Where is it?” he repeated.

Cosel turned to her servant.

”I have not noticed it on your finger for four days,” whispered the maid.

Augustus counted the days. It was exactly four days since Count Lecherenne had left Dresden, and had gone to the palace to take leave of Cosel, a fact of which the King had been duly informed.

”Do not waste time searching for it,” said he ironically, ”I can tell you where it is.”
