Part 19 (2/2)

”Drown her!” screamed Cosel.

The King laughed, Anna wept, Bose bowed and began a retreat towards the door.

”Cosel, for Heaven's sake, be quiet,” said the King, coming over to her.

”What?” she screamed. ”You dare to betray me; you to whom I consecrated everything!”

It was not the first scene of the kind, but this time it lasted longer than ever before. It was in vain that Augustus kissed her hands, promising everything.

”What is it you wish me to do?” he exclaimed.

”If you write a single word to that impertinent woman, I shall take the post, and go straight to Warsaw. I will kill both mother and child. I swear I will!”

To pacify her, the King promised everything. He would have nothing further to do with her; would forget her existence; would leave the unfortunate woman to the caprice of fortune.


No one would ever have known of that scene, for it was Bose's policy always to keep his tongue behind his teeth, had not the weary King gathered a few of his companions together, that he might find distraction in their conversation. After drinking a second and a third b.u.mper, the King began to laugh and look towards Furstenberg.

”What a pity,” said he, ”that you did not bring those papers this morning, instead of Bose; perhaps you would have made it up with Cosel had you seen her as that old man had the good fortune to do.”

”But the Countess has not yet left her bed,” returned the Prince.

”She sprang from her bed, though, to tear the letter poor Henriette had sent me, from my hand. She is so jealous, that I should not be surprised if one day she were to shoot me.”

Furstenberg looked round cautiously, that he might be sure that only those who hated Cosel were present, then he said,--

”Your Majesty, if the Countess Cosel is so jealous, she should be careful to give you no cause for jealousy.”

The King slowly raised his head, frowned, thrust out his lips, and replied coldly,--

”The person who dares to make such a.s.sertions should weigh his words well, and carefully consider the consequences. You must explain yourself.”

The Prince glanced round at his companions.

”I am ready to justify my words. All of us here present have seen how the Countess conducted herself during your Majesty's absence. The palace was always full of guests and admirers, amongst whom the Count Lecherenne enjoyed especial favour. Sometimes he was seen leaving the palace about midnight.”

The King listened with apparent indifference, but those who knew him well, could see that the dart had stung him.

”It is the voice of jealousy speaking through you,” said Augustus. ”You do not like Cosel, and you would be glad to see her shut up in one room. Naturally she longed for my return, and required some distraction, and you must allow that Lecherenne is amusing.”

”Your Majesty,” said the Prince, with well-feigned simplicity, ”I had no intention to be an informer. I enjoy your Majesty's favour, and I do not care much about that of the Countess. But, being your Majesty's devoted servant, I should be deeply grieved to see your great love repaid with ingrat.i.tude.”

Augustus looked gloomy. The wine cups were full, but no one raised one to his lips; the conversation stopped, and the King rose.
