Part 7 (2/2)
Pulling off her veil, Lubomirska gazed inquisitively at the Countess; then her lips trembled, she grew deadly pale, staggered and fainted.
Anna and the servant hastened to her a.s.sistance, and between them they raised the unconscious lady.
Her swoon, however, did not last long. Suddenly she sprang up like a madwoman, and gazed on her rival with dilated eyes; then she silently made a sign that she desired the servant to leave the room.
The two ladies were accordingly left alone.
This strange occurrence filled Countess Hoym with uneasiness. After long years spent in the quiet of the country, the new and feverish life that had now begun for her startled and surprised her.
Lubomirska extended her white, cold, trembling hand towards the Countess.
”Forgive me,” she said, in feeble tones, ”I wanted to see and warn you.
The voice of duty compelled me to come hither.”
Anna remained silent, gazing curiously at her extraordinary visitor.
”Yes, look at me!” continued the Princess. ”You are beginning the life which for me is ended. Once I was as you are, innocent, happy, quiet, and respected, living at peace with my conscience and my G.o.d. I had my husband's princely t.i.tle, and, better than all, I had an unsullied name. Then there came a crowned monarch, and he took all this from me with his smile. His sceptre and crown he laid at my feet; he gave me his heart. I followed him. Look at me. To-day I have nothing. The name I have is borrowed, my heart is broken, my happiness is gone for ever; instead, the mark of shame is on my forehead; my soul is full of bitterness, the future is dark and threatening, and I am tormented with cares for my child. I have no one in this world to whom I can turn. My relations would disown me; those who yesterday crawled at my feet, will forget me to-morrow. He! He! will push me aside like a stranger.”
Anna blushed.
”Madam!” she exclaimed. ”Why do you foresee a danger for me that I cannot see myself? I do not understand your words. Who are you?”
”Yesterday, I was almost a Queen, but I know not what I am to-day,”
replied the Princess.
”But I do not wish for any crown,” said Anna, ”there is not one that does not burn the forehead. Why do you apply these threats to me?”
”Warnings, not threats,” interrupted Lubomirska. ”Forgive me, a crown is approaching your brow, the people have given it you in advance. I desire to show you its thorns.”
”You are mistaken,” replied the Countess calmly. ”I shall not stretch forth my hands for any crown. I am too proud. Be calm.”
Teschen sank on the sofa, her head drooped, and she began to weep. Her heart-breaking sobs aroused Countess Hoym's pity, and she approached her sympathetically.
”Everything that has happened to me to-day is so mysterious,” said she.
”Who are you?”
”Teschen,” murmured the Princess softly, raising her eyes as she spoke.
”You have heard of me, and you can guess why they have brought you here. A fresh face is necessary for their weary lord.”
Anna uttered an indignant cry.
”Villains!” exclaimed she. ”Then they would traffic with us, as though we were slaves--and we--”
”We are their victims.”