Vol 2 Chapter 17 (1/2)
Chapter 17 Discussion
Hearing Xuan Luo’s determined howl, Tian Yu Zi smiled.
Xuan Luo came out from the house, with the answer within his heart. If one were to look closely, his whole body language has changed.
A better way to explain it would be, Xuan Luo was originally like a lost sheep. He had no directions. But now, after realizing his true “WHY” from Tian Yu Zi’s questions, it’s as if he has transformed into a fierce tiger. He will use his abilities to do his very best.
No matter what obstacles are in his way, he will not be stopped. The determination comes from his goals. Now he has a purpose! (Like they say, if you aim for nothing, you will hit nothing).
Tian Yu Zi is sitting on a rocking chair, relaxing, “Your heart has the answer to my questions now, right?”
“Yes.” Xuan Luo was about to tell Tian Yu Zi his thoughts, but the moment he opened his mouth, Tian Yu Zi interrupted him.
“Those thoughts are for yourself. No need to say them out!”
Since Tian Yu Zi said that, Xuan Luo didn’t see a need to continue. At least, he is no longer lost. He has came in tune with his deepest thoughts. Hence, his respect for Tian Yu Zi is slowly going up.
“Okay. Mastering Martial Arts isn’t something that can happen in a short time. Since you have your mindset now, you need to persist. Here at Wu Dang, there are many different types of styles you can choose from. We can focus on your fist, palm, sword, and step. Take some time to think about what you want to focus on first.”
“Can’t I pick more?” Xuan Luo has thick skin.
Tian Yu Zi rolled his eyes at Xuan Luo. “Pick more? You could.. but first you have to be good in one! Or else it will be a mess. The point is to be very skillful at one type first.”
“Oh!” Xuan Luo knows he is too greedy. Thus, he responded with only a word and remained in silence.
“Honestly, nei li is only to a.s.sist you. To some extent, nei li can raise your ability, but the style is also very important. That’s why I will not expect you to practice nei li. I will be pinpointing your style. Obviously, if you want to, you can practice nei li on the side.”
Hearing these words, Xuan Luo couldn’t help but blurted, “But don’t you need nei li to be consider a true wu zhe?”
“Bulls.h.i.+t!” Tian Yu Zi was angered by Xuan Luo’s false a.s.sumption.
“Let me ask you. When you are about to strike, if you want to use nei li, don’t you need to use it on something? You need to have a foundation to strike.”
“Now let me ask you again. If your style is poor, even with a strong nei li, can you hit your opponent?”