Vol 2 Chapter 13 (1/2)

Zui Wu Dao Action 27180K 2022-07-22

As a matter of fact, what Tian Yu Zi said were not all true. But one thing that is true is that Wu Dang  definitely has many different types of nei gong xin fa. The best xin fas are the ones that are the most difficult to learn; although it depends on the person.

But Tian Yu Zi lied about something significant. The thing is, Tian Yu Zi actually doesn’t have nei li. His body state didn’t allow him to learn it. As a result, he switched to wai gong instead. Wu Dang’s style is actually created by Tian Yu Zi. Although it doesn’t consist of nei li, the amount of damage it can conceive is still quite substantial.

Hence, when Tian Yu Zi saw that Xuan Luo wasn’t able to produce nei li, he didn’t care at all. He still wanted him.

Although, this situation is rather unique. After all, usually there are only two outcomes. It’s either:

1. The person cannot produce the nei li

2. The person is able to produce the nei li, and continues practicing the xin fa

This situation is strange because usually those who come to Wu Dang are after the xin fa. Although many want to learn the Wu Dang style, the xin fa is what most thirst for. Wu Dang style is hard to learn, but xin fa is even harder (and not everyone can learn it).

After fighting with Tian Yu Zi, Xuan Luo’s desire to learn Martial Arts deepened even more.


After having a gloomy morning, Xuan Luo decided to go and take a walk. Since he is new to Wu Dang, there are lots of new and exciting things for him to see and understand. Therefore, he should take this opportunity and explore.

The mountain of Wu Dang is a lot bigger than he’d imagined. And so far, he has just seen the gate entrance. If he were to count the whole area from the border, the size of Wu Dang could be comparable to a city.

“Hey, Radis.h.!.+ I heard Tian Yu Zi zhang lao took you in as a disciple!?” Xuan Luo was walking aimlessly, but suddenly heard a familiar voice.

He turns and sees Zhang Ri. Smiling, he said, “Zhang da ge, why are you here?”

Seeing Xuan Luo, Zhang Ri was quite excited. Although he wasn’t exactly clear of what had happened in Tai He Dian, but knowing the fact that Tian Yu Zi wanted Xuan Luo made him jump for joy.

“Haha. This is where us disciples are supposed to rest. But most of them went to ba gua stage to practice. They won’t be back so soon. When are you moving here?”

Xuan Luo was confused. Moving here? Tian Yu Zi never told him about that. He anxiously asked, “Zhang da ge, are disciples supposed to live together?”

“Of course!? What else do you think?” Zhang Ri rolled his eyes; Xuan Luo asked a question that should have been totally obvious.

“But the old man never told me. Today, I got lectured too! Ughhh ruined my day.”

Zhang Ri could hear some resentment from Xuan Luo’s voice. He chuckled, “Tian Yu Zi zhang lao is a very good elder master. He does not act superior to anyone else. You are one lucky boy!”