Part 37 (1/2)


DENISE BANGED THE TILL CLOSED with her hip and handed the receipt over the counter to the customer. ”Thanks,” she smiled, and her smile quickly faded as soon as the customer turned away from the counter. She sighed loudly, staring at the long queue forming in front of the cash register. She would have to stand here at the till all day and she was just dying for a cigarette break. But there was no way she could slip away, so she grumpily grabbed the item of clothing from the next customer, de-tagged it, scanned it, and wrapped it.

”Excuse me, are you Denise Hennessey?” she heard a deep voice ask and she looked up to see where the s.e.xy voice had come from. She frowned as she saw a police officer before her.

She hesitated while trying to think if she had done anything illegal in the past few days, and when she was satisfied that she was crime-free she smiled. ”Yes, I am.”

”I'm Officer Ryan and I was wondering if you would accompany me to the station, please.”

It was more of a statement than a question, and Denise's mouth dropped open in shock. He was no longer the s.e.xy officer, he was the evil- lock- her- up- forever- in- a- tiny- cell- with- a- luminous- orange- jumpsuit- and- noisy- flip- flops- and- no- hot- water- or- makeup- type officer. Denise gulped and had an image of herself being beaten up by a gang of tough angry women that didn't care about mascara, in the exercise yard at the prison while the prison guards looked on and made bets over who would win. She gulped, ”What for?”

”If you just comply with what I've said, everything will be explained to you down at the station.” He started to walk around the counter and Denise backed away slowly and looked at the long line of customers helplessly. Everybody just stared back at her, amused by the scene that was unfolding before them.

”Check his ID, love,” one of the customers shouted to her from the end of the queue.

Her voice shook as she demanded to see his ID, which was a completely useless operation, as she had never seen a police ID before nor did she know what a real one would look like. Her hand trembled as she held the ID and studied it closely, but she didn't read a thing. She was too self-conscious of the crowd of customers and staff that had gathered to stare at her with looks of disgust on their faces. They were all thinking the same thing: She was a criminal.

Denise hardened, refusing to go without a fight. ”I refuse to go with you until you tell me what this is about.”

He walked toward her again. ”Ms. Hennessey, if you just work with me here, then there will be no need to use these.” He took out a pair of handcuffs from his trousers. ”There's no need to make a scene.”

”But I didn't do anything!” she protested, starting to panic.

”Well, we can discuss that down at the station, can't we?” He began to get irate.

Denise backed away, she was determined to let her customers and staff know that she hadn't done anything wrong. She would not go with this man to the station until he explained what she had supposedly done wrong. She stopped backing away and crossed her arms across her chest to show how tough she was.

”I said I will not go with you until you tell me what this is about.”

”OK then,” he shrugged, walking toward her. ”If you insist.” He opened his mouth to speak and she yelled as she felt the cold silver handcuffs being slapped around her wrists. It wasn't exactly the first time she had ever worn a pair of handcuffs, so she wasn't surprised at how they felt, but she was in so much shock she couldn't speak; she just watched everyone's surprised expressions as the officer led her by the arm out of the shop.

”Good luck, love,” the customer shouted again as she was led by the queue. ”If they send you to Mount Joy tell my Orla I said hi and that I'll be there to visit her at Christmas.”

Denise's eyes widened and images of her pacing a cell that she shared with a psycho murderer jumped into her mind. Maybe she would find a little bird with a broken wing and nurse it and teach it to fly to pa.s.s the years inside...

Her face reddened as they stepped out onto Grafton Street, and the crowds immediately scattered as soon as they saw the garda and a hardened criminal. Denise kept her eyes down to the ground, hoping n.o.body she knew would spot her being arrested. Her heart beat wildly and she briefly thought of escape. She looked around quickly and tried to figure out an escape route, but she was too slow; she was already being led toward a beat-up-looking minibus, the well-known color blue of the police with blackened-out windows. Denise sat in the front row of seats behind the driver, and although she could sense people behind her, she sat rigidly in her seat, too terrified to turn around and meet her future fellow inmates. She leaned her head against the window and said good-bye to freedom.

”Where are we going?” she asked as they drove past the police station. The female police officer driving the car and Officer Ryan ignored her and stared ahead of them.

”Hey!” she shouted. ”I thought you said you were taking me to the station!” They continued to stare straight ahead.

”Hey! Where are we going?!”

No answer.

”I haven't done anything wrong!”

Still no answer.

”I'm innocent G.o.ddammit! Innocent, I tell you!”

Denise started kicking the chair in front of her, trying to get their attention. Her blood started to boil when the female officer pushed a ca.s.sette into the player and turned the music up. Denise's eyes widened at the choice of song.

Officer Ryan turned around in his chair with a big grin on his face. ”Denise, you have been a very naughty girl.” He stood up and made his way in front of her. She gulped as he started to gyrate his hips to the song 'Hot Stuff&rsquo.

She was about to give him a great big kick between his legs when she heard whooping and laughing from the back of the bus. She twisted herself around and spotted her sisters, Holly, Sharon and about five other friends picking themselves up from the floor of the minibus. She had been in so much shock she hadn't even noticed them when she got on the bus. She finally figured out what was really happening when her sisters placed a veil on her head while screaming 'Happy hen party!' That was the main clue.

”Oh, you b.i.t.c.hes!” Denise spat at them, effing and blinding them until she had used every single curse word invented, and even made up a few of her own.

The girls continued to hold their stomachs with laughter.

”Oh, you are so lucky I didn't kick you in the b.a.l.l.s!” Denise screamed at the gyrating garda.

”Denise, this is Paul,” her sister Fiona giggled, ”and he's your stripper for the day.”

Denise narrowed her eyes and continued to curse at them. ”I almost had a heart attack, I hope you know! I thought I was going to prison. Oh my G.o.d, what will my customers think? And my staff! Oh my G.o.d, my staff think I'm a criminal.” Denise closed her eyes as though she were in pain.

”We told them about it last week,” Sharon giggled. ”They were all just playing along.”

”Oh, the little b.i.t.c.hes,” Denise repeated. ”When I go back to work I'm going to fire the lot of them. But what about the customers?” Denise asked, panicking.

”Don't worry,” her sister said. ”We told your staff to inform the customers it was your hen party after you left the shop.”

Denise rolled her eyes. ”Well, knowing them they deliberately won't, and if they don't then there will be complaints, and if there are complaints I will be so fired.”

”Denise! Stop worrying! You don't think we would have done this without running it by your boss. It's OK!” Fiona explained. ”They thought it was funny, now relax and enjoy the weekend.”

”Weekend? What the h.e.l.l are you girls going to do to me next?! Where are we going for the weekend?” Denise looked around at her friends, startled.

”We're going to Galway, and that's all you need to know,” Sharon said mysteriously.

”If I wasn't b.l.o.o.d.y handcuffed I'd slap you all in the face,” Denise threatened.

The girls all cheered as Paul stripped out of his uniform and poured baby oil over his body for Denise to ma.s.sage into his skin. Sharon unlocked the handcuffs of a gobsmacked Denise.

”Men in uniform are so much nicer out of them...,” Denise mumbled, rubbing her wrists as she watched him flex his muscles before her.

”Lucky she's engaged, Paul, or you would be in big trouble!” the girls teased.

”Big trouble is right,” Denise mumbled again, staring in shock as the rest of the clothes came off. ”Oh girls! Thank you so much!” she giggled, her voice a very different tone than before.

”Are you OK, Holly? You've barely said a word since we got into this van,” Sharon said, handing her a gla.s.s of champagne and keeping a gla.s.s of orange juice for herself. Holly turned to look out of the window and stared at the green fields as they flew by. The green hills were dotted with little white specks as the sheep climbed to new heights, oblivious to the wonderful views. Neat stone walls separated each field and you could see the gray lines, jagged like those in jigsaw puzzles, for miles, connecting each piece of land together. Holly had yet to find a few pieces for her own puzzled mind.

”Yeah,” she sighed. ”I'm OK.”

”Oh, I really have to ring Tom!” Denise groaned, collapsing onto the double bed she and Holly were sharing in the hotel room. Sharon was fast asleep on the single bed beside them and had refused to listen to Denise's hilarious idea of Sharon having to sleep in the double bed on her own due to the size of her rapidly growing She had gone to bed much earlier than the other girls after eventually becoming bored of their drunken behavior.

”I'm under strict orders not to let you ring Tom,” Holly yawned. ”This is a girls-only weekend.”