21 To Speak (1/2)

Zephyria lucabear 22160K 2022-07-19

”Alright, see you guys at 10:00AM for Training.” Hikari said, as he retired to his suite.

Gale turned to the four friends who she absolutely destroyed in CoJ and smiled.

”Yup, it was fun. Night night you guys c:” she said cheekily, before following Hikari to his suite. She often slept over. They were close.

”Okay, now that she's gone, we can actually pl-”

”Nope.” Amber inturrupted, as she dragged Xero off to their own suite. She was initially appalled at the fact that she had to share a suite with him (since her confirmation was not only late notice, but unexpected), but she warmed up to the idea to the point of owning it.

Xero's audible struggles (playful, not abused) woke Yami and Aloe up from the softerino couch. They looked at eachother briefly, before retreating to their own suites, still half asleep.

Only Elektra and Ryan were left.

”Okayyyy welll. This was fun c: Night night.”

”It really was c:”

Elektra embraced Ryan before dashing up to her chambers.

”Wow :3” Ryan sighed, observing her after-image before switching the system off and getting up from the couch.

He, however, did not go to his suite (penthouse btw). He instead walked intently towards his facility, to a secret lab that no one knew of. Not even I, the author know where it is :o .

He entered the secret room and locked the door. The room was sound proof and signal encrypted, any communications going in or out could not be interrupted or monitored. This room was completely isolated and secure.

The joy previously evident on his face was now completely gone.

As soon as he sat down in his desk seat, the large screen on the wall flashed on, revealing a caller with an unknown ID. Ryan clicked to answer.

”I didn't hear anything from you since you momentarily deactivated the Air Force's scanners and your Cialo \u0026 Rojë gave my guys the go ahead. How was it?”

On the screen appeared an incredibly attractive woman, sat on a large chair and in front of two people who seemed sport bodyguard attire. She herself was clothed in a stunning (and rather revealing (but who's complaining)) dark green halter dress and matching heels. She had distinctly long luscious orange hair, which was elegantly tied up and flowed behind her. Her eyes stared directly into the camera and into Ryan's soul.

”Disappointing.” he said, unphased.

The woman raised her eyebrow.

”I gave you rank 1 and 2 lieutenants along with a fifth of my forces, and you have the audacity to say you were disappointed?”

”Yes. They were way weaker than expected. Are you sure they were your top ranked?”

”I'm not a fool. Meh, they were only high up in our organization because they were unquestionably loyal, had nothing to do with their strength.”

The woman on the screen smiled, then leant back in her chair, resting her cheek on her hand.