-1 To Fall (2/2)
Hikari gave a Gale a disgusted look as if she were a doge who pooped on his foot. ”If the highest ranked air force commander is scared, then our Kingdom is certainly doomed.”
”We haven't been out there before. If the stories are true then we won't have it easy.”
”Seems like you're the idiot here. Weren't we chosen specifically because it'd be difficult?”
Gale gave in. ”Meh, you're right. You're always right.” Gale said begrudgingly as she got back to her feet.
Hikari let off the slightest smirk, which triggered her.
”Which means you should be used to this.”
”I hate youuuu.” Hikari shouted as he was kicked off the ledge, his cries echoing as he plunged towards his apparent demise.
”Not afraid, my ass” Gale remarked, as she dived off the boulder to follow him.
The Teddy Bear followed suit, leaping off the ledge and propelling itself towards Hikari with its' repulsors in all four limbs. Once it caught up to him, Hikari swiftly boarded the teddy bear's back and both accelerated towards the floating metropolis in a now direct flight pattern. Gale caught up to Hikari in minimal time too, as her cloak morphed into a huge pair of navy blue mechanical wings, each feather a blade claiming to be sharp enough to cut diamonds just by lightly caressing them (again, Gale lives in her own delusions).
They almost instantly gained composure and their faces were full of intent. Full of ambition. Full of passion. Their lives were building up to this point in time, and they were not to waste any opportunity. They were indeed afraid, though not of falling. Of failing. They didn't think they were ready.
They, surprisingly, kinda were.