Part 1 (1/2)
Fast Nine.
by Alan Douglas.
A PARTY of five boys, ranging in age around fifteen or sixteen, trudged rather wearily along the bank of a small stream known as the Sunflower River. Some miles beyond this point it merged its clear waters with those of the broader Sweet.w.a.ter, which river has figured before now in these stories of the Hickory Ridge boys.
As they carried several strings of pretty good-looking fish, the chances were the straggling group must have been over at the larger stream trying their luck. And as black ba.s.s have a failing for beginning to bite just when fellows ought to be starting for home this would account for evening finding them still some distance from Hickory Ridge and a jolly supper.
”Another long mile, and then we'll be there, fellows,” sighed the stoutest one of the bunch, who was panting every little while, because of the warm pace set by his more agile chums.
”Hey, just listen to Landy puff, will you, boys!” laughed Chatz Maxfield, whose accent betrayed his Southern birth.
”He keeps getting fatter every day, I do believe,” joked Mark c.u.mmings, a clean-cut young chap with a clear eye and resolute bearing.
”Now, that ain't exactly fair, Mark,” complained the object of this mirth, in a reproachful tone, ”and you know it. Don't I take exercise every day just to reduce my flesh? Why, I'm making a regular martyr of myself, my mom says, ever since I joined the Boy Scouts, so that I can keep my own with the rest of you. She says if I keep it up I'll soon be skin and bones, that's what!”
A shout arose from the entire bunch at this. The idea of that fat boy ever reaching a point where such a term could be applied to him was simply ridiculous.
”What time is it, Chatz; since you seem to be the only one in the lot who had the good sense and also the decency to fetch a watch along?”
The Southern boy readily pulled out a little nickel timepiece, and consulted it, but the dusk was coming fast, so that he had to bend low in order to make sure of the right figures.
”Half past seven, fellows,” he announced.
”Wow, won't my folks just be worried about me, though!” exclaimed a very tall boy, whose build would indicate that he was something of a sprinter; and whose name being Arthur Stansbury, his mates, after the usual perversity of boys in general, had promptly nicknamed him ”Lil Artha.”
”I don't think they'll be alarmed, because they know a bad penny is sure to turn up,” laughed Mark, immediately dodging a friendly blow from the lengthy arm of his comrade.
”Hold on, I've lost my cap,” declared the one who had dodged, but the others made no move toward stopping; supper was a mile away, and they felt hungry enough to eat a houseful.
Three minutes later Mark came running after them, still bareheaded.
”h.e.l.lo!” exclaimed the lad who had asked Chatz for the time, and who seemed to bear the earmarks of a leader among them, as Elmer Chenowith really was, being at the head of the Wolf Patrol, and accredited as an a.s.sistant scout master in the Hickory Ridge Boy Scout Troop--”How about this, Mark; where's your cap?”
”Couldn't find it, that's all,” laughed the other, good naturedly; ”perhaps it went into the river. Anyhow, it's getting that dark I couldn't see the thing, and as you fellows were in such a raging hurry I just gave it up.”
”Oh, say, that's too bad,” declared Chatz; ”I'll turn back with you, Mark, if you give the word.”
”Oh, shucks! it isn't worth it, Chatz, though I'm just as much obliged to you as if we went. It's an old cap, anyhow, and even if it went sailing down the Sunflower it wouldn't matter much. I've got another besides my campaign hat. And if it doesn't rain in the morning I may take a run over here on my wheel. Move along, fellows; I can just imagine I smell that bully good supper that's being kept for me at our house.”
”Yum, yum, that strikes me,” exclaimed Landy, whose one weakness was a love for eating, despite his declaration to the effect that he was daily cutting down his rations in order to reduce his girth. ”And I happen to know they're having fried eggplant to-night. If there's one thing I just like above every other dish it's fried eggplant, and plenty of it. Aw!”
and he sighed to think that a whole mile still lay between himself and that beloved delicacy.
”All I can say is, that it's mighty lucky we don't have a meeting to-night, that's what,” remarked Chatz; ”because we'd never be able to get there after this long hike. But, honest, fellows, I think it paid.
I never had more fun pulling out black ba.s.s than to-day. And whew, how they do fight up here! Why, down in the warmer waters of my state, South Carolina, we have the big-mouth ba.s.s, which the natives call green trout, and he comes in as logy as an old piece of tree stump, after about one little tussle.”