Part 45 (2/2)

As though paralyzed, the white hands paused, for half a minute lay idle.

Without comment she obeyed.

”You know what I mean,” said the man. ”It makes me irresponsible. I want to throttle the something somewhere to blame.”

”I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. If I had expected for an instant--”

”Don't, please!” It was supplication from one accustomed to command.

”Talk about human beings being p.a.w.ns in the game or straws before the whirlwind!” Again the curt repression by pure force of will, and the inevitable pause with the digression complete following. ”I haven't heard your report of yourself yet, Elice. It's due me, overdue. I promised you not to write, and kept my word, you know.”

The girl looked at him with eyes that tried to smile.

”Ask me anything else and I'll answer,” she said. ”This I can't answer, because there's nothing to be said. I've merely been waiting.”

”As you were to-night, when I startled you?”

The girl's lips tightened, but they relaxed. She was in command now.

”Yes,” she said.

It was the second step; and for the second time the man approached no nearer--then.

”Won't you let me ask you questions instead,” countered the girl, ”as a favor?”

”Certainly, if you prefer.”

”'If I prefer.'” She mouthed the words deliberately. ”Very well, then.

What have you been doing since I saw you last?”

Roberts gave her an odd look.

”Getting older mostly,” he said.

”I might have chronicled that fact myself,” echoed the girl.

”Very fast,” added the man, evenly. ”Did you notice my hair?”

”It is grayer--a bit,” reluctantly.

”Grayer!” Roberts laughed. ”I made a microscopical examination recently for one hair of the original color to preserve as a relic. It was too late. Do you care to volunteer in the search?”

The girl ignored the invitation.

”What else did you do?” she asked.

”Worked some.” Roberts held up his great hands, calloused heavily over the palms. ”I've learned several things by actual experience: drilling, dynamiting, sharpening steel, mucking ore, a.s.saying--everything.”
