Part 2 (2/2)
”If it were you, now, and there were any possibility of a yardstick it would be different; but as it is--”
”Miss Gleason then, Mrs. Armstrong to be, doesn't care in the least to see you come on financially, is completely satisfied with things as they are?”
It was Armstrong's turn to be silent.
”You've been engaged now three years. You're thirty years old and Miss Gleason is--”
”Twenty-five in August.”
”She is wholly contented to let the engagement run on indefinitely, knowing that your income is barely enough for one to live on and not at all adequate for two?”
The other stiffened involuntarily; but he said nothing.
”I beg your pardon the second time, Armstrong, if you wish; but remember, please, I'm doing this by request.”
”I know, Darley. I'm not an absolute cad, and I'm glad you are frank.
Doubtless from your point of view I'm a visionary a.s.s. But I don't see where any one suffers on that account except myself.”
”Don't see where any one suffers save yourself! Don't see--! You can't be serious, man!”
Armstrong had ceased smoking. The pipe lay idle in his fingers.
”No. Come out into the clearing and put it in plain English. Just what do you mean?”
”Since you insist, I mean just this, Armstrong--and if you'll think a moment you'll realize for yourself it's true: you can't drift on forever the way you're doing now. If you weren't engaged it would be different; but you are engaged. Such being the case it implies a responsibility and a big one. To dangle so is unjust to the girl. Let this apply in the abstract. It's d.a.m.nably unjust!”
”You think that I--”
”I don't think at all, I know. We can theorize and moon and drift about in the clouds all we please; but when eventually our pipe goes out and we come down to earth this thing of marriage is practical. It's give and take, with a whole lot to give. I haven't been practising law and dealing with marital difficulties, to say nothing of divorces, without getting a few inside facts. Marriages are made in Heaven, perhaps, but married life is lived right here on earth; and the butcher and the rest play leading parts. I recognize I'm leading the procession a bit now, Armstrong; but as I said before, you can't dangle much longer if you're an honorable man; and then what I've said is right in line. If you'll take a word of advice that's intended right, even if it seems patronizing, you'll wake up right now and begin to steer straight for the flag-pole. If you keep on floundering aimlessly and waiting for an act of Providence you'll come to grief as surely as to-morrow is coming, old man.”
”And by steering straight you mean to save money. To get my eye on a dollar, leave everything else, and chase it until it drops from fatigue.”
”I mean get power; and dollars are the tangible evidence and manifestation of power. They are the only medium that current in any country any day in the year.”
Armstrong smiled, a smile that was not pleasant to see.
”You'd have me give up my literary aspirations then, let them die a-borning as it were--”
”I didn't say that. So far as I can see you can keep on just the same.
There are twenty-four hours in every day. But make that phase secondary.
I don't discount writers in the least or their work; but with the world as it is the main chance doesn't lie that way--and it's the main chance we're all after. Fish or no fish, I tell you some time you'll find this out for yourself. To get the most out of life a man must be in the position to pa.s.s current wherever he may be. In the millennium the standard may be different--I for one sincerely hope it will be; but in the twentieth century dollars are the key that unlocks everything.
Without them you're as helpless as a South Sea islander in a metropolitan street. You're at the mercy of every human being that wants to give you a kick; and the majority will give it to you if they see you are defenceless.”
Armstrong was still smiling, the same being a smile not pleasant to see.
”Now that I've got you going,” he commented, ”I've a curiosity to have you keep on. You're certainly stirring with a vengeance to-night, Darley.”