16 He Asked Me Out! (1/2)
”Why are you running away.” I choked back a sob.
”I thought you might not want me near you, you might be scared of me.” he wiped the the tear off my face.
”Why, just beacuse you're a werewolf doesn't make you can scare me away. If I come close to you will you bite me?” I took a step towards him.
”I'm a werewolf, that makes me a monster. You saw what I actually look like that night.” he held me by my shoulders.
”Is that all? I'm not really scared. I can see it in your eyes that you would never hurt me. Am I wrong?”
”But that doesn't change the fact that I am a monster. What if you ever hurt because of me. Claire, you need to understand, we can never be together.” he looked away.
”To be honest, I was sacred when I first saw you that way. I didn't even wanted to think about it. For one instance I even thought about forgetting you but no matter how hard I tried, I kept thinking of you. Then the desire to see you took over and I don't know when it turned in to a yearning for you. For the past days when my eyes couldn't find you, my heart ached and I realized how much you mean to me. I didn't how or when I fell for you so hard but one thing I know for sure is that It will be really hard for me without you by my side.” I put my hand over his that was still holding on to my shoulder.
”Claire, we'll end up losing each other.”
”Why am I not the one destined for you?”
”You even know about that?”
”Yeah, I read about it in book. Now tell me why are you being like this? I told you I'm not afrid of you and I'm fine with you being like that. You're the same Shaun to me even when you change in the full moon. I love the way you are you. Shaun look at me. Don't you feel the same?” I lifted his head up and stared into his eyes.
”Claire, you are the only one for me. I know it since the the day you held my hand to help me jump down the wall. But just beacuse I love you, I can't keep you by my side and put your life in danger. I can't bear you getting hurt beacuse of me.”
”I'll go through any danger if its with you. I can take any pain in the world but the heart ache I get from parting you will kill me.” I broke out in tears as he took his hands away from me.
”Then why did you appear in my life like that and took my heart by a storm. Why?”
”Claire, if I had known, I would have never come.”
”You need to take responsibility now. Stop running away and take a chance at least. Believe in yourself and our love.”
”Claire...” Before he could answer me his phone started ringing.
”I need to take this call.” he picked up the phone walking to a distance from me. I waited for him to finish. He came back and instead of answering me, said, ”I need to go now, Claire.”
”What do you mean? Where are you going?”
”It's a bit urgent, I'll call you.” he hurried to his car and left.
While I stood there dumb,uneased by my thoughts.
What if he vanishes again? What if he never calls? What if I couldn't see him ever again?
The next day, I went to school with the hope that Shaun will come but he didn't. I was sitting in the library, staring at my phone waiting for Shaun's call when someone put his head on my shoulder.
”Are you waiting for a call?”
I flinched and gave shoulder a sudden jerk.
I turned back and saw Ed. He sat on the chair next to me.
”You scared me.” I exclaimed.
”You were so intently looking at your phone that you didn't even see me walking all the way here.” he said with a scowl on his face. ”Are you waiting for a call or what?”
”No, I'm not. I just zoned out for a moment.”
”Claire, I'm sorry for last night. I got swayed my the emotions. I must have taken you by a surprise.”
”It was unexpected but I understand. Actually Ed, I have to tell you something. It can be a bit shocking and upsetting but I hope you'll understand and forgive me.” I decided to tell him the truth; that I don't like him and I was just using him.