Part 2 (1/2)

”How lovely and sweet she was! and, though she lived so many years and did so much good in them all, it always seems to me that she died 'in the midst of her years.'

”Oh, we should have liked to keep her longer, the dear one! But He who seeth to the end knew when to close the strife--

'Knew when to loose the silver cord, To break the golden bowl, And give to her that richest gift, Salvation of the soul.'”



”He who in glory did on h.o.r.eb's height Descend to Moses in the bush of flame, And bade him go and stand in Pharaoh's sight-- Who once to Israel's pious shepherd came, And sent him forth his champion in the fight,-- He within my heart thus spake to me: 'Go forth! Thou shalt on earth my witness be.'”


In the autumn of 1840, Sybil Jones was liberated by her Friends to attend meetings and do religious work in the provinces, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. In this work she was attended by her husband, and they pa.s.sed through many trying circ.u.mstances; but, being sustained from above, they came home bringing sheaves with them and feeling that they had been instruments in G.o.d's hand of doing good. A brief account of this journey was kept by Sybil Jones. It has never been published, but is full of interest to all those who love to follow the steps of devoted servants of the Lord.

During the first winter of the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold and a band of soldiers forced their way over almost insurmountable obstacles through the Maine woods to capture Montreal, Quebec, and the other Canadian strongholds. Historians have followed their track, carefully noting every detail of their march, recording what they suffered and what injuries they inflicted, and that, too, though the expedition failed of its end and many a fair young life was lost in vain. Certainly, we can well afford to follow the pilgrimage of two soldiers of the cross fully as heroic, carrying to those otherwise peris.h.i.+ng the news of life and salvation.

Sybil Jones was thirty-two years old when she made this visit; she was in delicate health, and obliged to leave her two young children, James Parnell and Narcissa, behind; but her whole soul was in the work, and she writes as she would have done when years had fully developed her.

In this and her other diaries there often occur expressions which to the frequent readers of Fox and the early missionary Friends may sound stated and formal, but there is a life pervading the whole which shows conclusively to a thoughtful person that these phrases are not forms, but words clearly expressive of what she felt burning in her heart, and they add to rather than detract from the weight of her account.

There is a wonderful depth of meaning and originality in the expressions of Friends which unfortunately is lost sight of by continual use, just as in all language word-metaphors which subtly picture thoughts become cold by use and lose their picturesqueness. In reading the pages recording the earnest labors of long ago let us read in them all that was put there by looking for the feeling and life under the words:

”Left home with a certificate from some of my friends to visit some of the British provinces, the 23d of 8th mo., 1840, in company with my husband. He also has a certificate for said service. Being disappointed in a female companion, we had either to resign the prospect of a visit this season or proceed with no other company than our dear friend Daniel Smiley, who, with a minute from his monthly meeting, concluded to accompany us to Nova Scotia. It was a trying case, but, feeling as though the present time was the right time, we informed the committee appointed by the monthly meeting for the purpose of providing us with suitable company, how it was with us.

They met with the elders, and informed us of their conclusion, which was that they thought best for us to proceed if it seemed like the right time, as we had informed them. We had to proceed on the prospect of apprehended duty under discouraging circ.u.mstances, yet I trust with a humble reliance on Him who hath said, 'I will be a defence unto Israel.' Being favored to resign ourselves to His direction and protection, we felt our only strength to be in Him, feeling, too, the consoling a.s.surance that our dear friends we have left behind will travail in exercises with us for the Truth's honor and our preservation from every hurtful thing. We leave our dear children in the best place we could find.... Above all, we have felt a humble trust that He who never slumbers will keep them; and in remembrance of the blessed promise, that all things shall work together for good to them that love and fear G.o.d, I have been enabled under multiplied discouragement to adopt the language, 'Thy will, not mine, be done.'

Blessed be His name for ever who has been with me in six troubles, and has given me a.s.surance that He will not forsake even in the seventh if my place is where Mary's was of old.

”We attended two meetings the day we left--one in Windsor, the other in Whitefield--which were very trying meetings....

”_Second day, 31st._ Arrived at Joseph Ester's in Calais; had a favored meeting this evening in the Calvinist Baptist meeting-house.

The people here are so attached to Friends that they think it a privilege to let us have a house for a meeting. The Baptists claimed the privilege, and we thought best to improve it. After meeting I took cold from the damp air so frequent in this place, and was confined to the house till 9th mo. 4th. Proceeded to an appointment at St.

Stephen's (English side), First day, 9th mo. 6th, at two P. M., at the Methodist house, which was a humbling season to the poor creatures, but the eternal truth reigned over all, and I hope the 'blessed Master of a.s.semblies' had the honor, for it was by the might of His power that the tall cedars of Lebanon bowed and the oaks of Bashan bent.

Nothing is too great for Him to do for us when our trust is in Him.

May it ever be placed there! Second day, 7th, had a meeting at St.

Stephen's in a Baptist house; put up at Ruggles's temperance house; felt quite at home here; they were an interesting family. We sat with the family before leaving them, and divine ability was given to speak in the language of encouragement to them, a.s.suring them that a _little_ with the incomparable blessing of a peaceful mind was better than h.o.a.rds of gold obtained in a way to injure our fellow-creatures.

The demoralizing effects of the sale and use of ardent spirits were lamentably felt here. The landlord told us that he was once in the habit of keeping them for travellers and others, but became convinced that it was wrong. It brought him into a close trial, he told us, for this was the chief source of income. He said he prayed to his heavenly Father to direct him what to do, and the answer was that he must carry on the baking business. He accordingly entered into it, and with the a.s.sistance of two or three daughters he made a good income. Oh that all would go and do likewise who are in this iniquitous practice, that must surely prove, if persisted in, their condemnation!

”_8th._ Parted from several of our dear friends who came to bid us farewell, and proceeded on our journey; came about noon to Oak Bay, parish of St. David's, a small village. Here we paused a little, but proceeded. My mind became distressed for leaving the place without trying to have a meeting, which I kept to myself until we had travelled about two and a half miles, when I was obliged to request our dear friend to turn about; which was crossing to us all, feeling very anxious to get along, having been detained from my ill-health, meetings, etc. beyond our expectations. But on turning toward the place I think we all partic.i.p.ated in the reward of peace. We stopped at William Josling's, who met us with tears of joy. Oh may we omit nothing required of us, but be willing to do and suffer His will who will do all things well! This evening had a meeting in the Baptist house. It was a solemn season, and to the honor of truth, I trust.

Lodged at William Golding's, who was in a tried state of mind owing to entanglement with the doctrine of predestination. He spoke of the circ.u.mstance of Pharaoh where the Lord said, 'For this same purpose I have raised thee up;' also named the pa.s.sage from the apostle, 'Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump, to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?' He said that he considered it as a temptation of the enemy, but at times could hardly keep it out of his mind. As the subjects opened to my mind I endeavored to explain them.... He seemed satisfied, and said he had never had so clear an explanation before. Not feeling clear of the place without trying for another meeting, we accepted the Methodist house, which was kindly offered. A Universalist encountered me after meeting. I endeavored to keep near best help. He became silent, and I think the truth sank deep in his heart. We parted in mutual love and good feeling. He was a member of the legislative council, a man of talents. We called on the Methodist minister and his wife, who received us gladly; we thought them sincere-hearted followers of Christ. Parted under a feeling of holy relations.h.i.+p. Left this place for Tower Hill, in the parish of St. David. Arrived in a lonely-looking place, very desolate, where were a few inhabitants and a schoolhouse. There are few here who reflect, I think, that they must die, and that it is needful to prepare for that solemn event. We left them under serious impression, I think. We called on a woman apparently dying, who said she was not prepared to die; her sins were not forgiven. The family and several neighbors present were in great distress. I felt moved to call her attention to Jesus, who alone could help, reminding her of the penitent thief upon the cross. Surrounding beholders were warned to seek the Lord while in health, and not put it off till a dying bed, as the pains of the feeble body were enough to bear, without the indescribable pains of a wounded conscience. We called again on the sick woman, who seemed a little revived. I felt drawn to impart some words of encouragement, also to supplicate our heavenly Father on behalf of all present. My dear husband imparted some words of encouragement to her. We then left her bedside, where extreme poverty and want were strikingly apparent, with some a.s.surance that she would find forgiveness and go in peace. We proceeded to meeting. A large number of thoughtless mortals were a.s.sembled. We had to travail in deep exercises for the awakening of life. Dear husband supplicated for divine aid, which was mercifully granted. Truth finally obtained the victory. It is the Lord's doing and marvellous in our eyes.

”_15th._ Had a meeting at Bearing in a schoolhouse at the fourth hour, and one at Mehanas, parish of St Stephen's, at seven--the last a truly contriting season. I proceeded, accompanied by my dear husband, to visit some public-houses and places where liquor is sold, and to visit some serious people. This work of apprehended duty was most humiliating to the poor creature, but cheerful submission clothed my mind with sweet peace. We were treated kindly by all, and all expressed their thankfulness to us for calling, and received civilly what we had to deliver to them, saying they knew the right, but were unwilling to do it. Not feeling clear of these parts without a meeting with the Congregationalists at Calais, though I thought it probable that they would not grant it, I informed our company of it, who encouraged me to attend to the opening. Accordingly, a messenger was despatched, and returned word that they were expecting to meet in the evening for a prayer-meeting, and would cheerfully give up the meeting to us without a single objection. The Lord will make a way where there appears to be no way. In the evening we met with them, and had a good meeting, mutually satisfactory.

”_17th._ Sat down at the house where we were staying with the family at meeting hour. Our little number with the family were enough to inherit the Saviour's blessed promise, 'There will I be in the midst of them.' We gave no notice, but two or three neighbors somehow got information and joined our company. At first it was a stripped season.

The cloud as big as a man's hand was hardly discernible, but in the Lord's own time He blessed us indeed. His power arose to the contriting of all present. It was truly a refres.h.i.+ng time, in which we could say, 'The Lord is my goodness and fortress, my high tower.'

”_18th._ Had a meeting at the Ledge in St. Stephen's at two o'clock.