Part 6 (1/2)
Amelia nodded, settling onto a couch with a sigh of relief. She had danced for hours.
Caroline was too excited to sit and continued to twirl about the room. ”Wonderful night. I danced ad dncd n dncd-”
”Slow down, Caro,” urged Mary. ”You charmed everyone, but you are letting the excitement carry you away.”
”I know.” She inhaled deeply, then perched on a chair. ”And I made some mistakes. Lord Ridgeway couldn't wait to get away from me.”
”What happened?”
Caroline clenched her hands. ”He is big and intimidating- and he scowls. I do not like gentlemen who tower over me.”
”Did he say anything to disturb you?” asked Amelia.
”N- no. But I could not slow my tongue.”
”It is all right, Caro. One needn't charm everyone,” Mary reminded her. ”Did anyone else give you trouble?”
”Not really. I stumbled a bit with Sir Edwin because I was still upset from Lord Ridgeway, but he did not seem to mind. He is a fascinating gentleman.”
”And steady,” observed Amelia.
Caro smiled. ”He spent quite half the evening with me, talking and dancing.”
”Was he in London this past Season?” asked Maiy.
”Yes, but he did not enjoy it-except for the time he spent at the British Museum with their expert on Roman remains. Sir Edwin's estate might contain traces of an ancient settlement, so he is anxious to return and resume his hunt. He also needs to deal with his young brother, who was sent down from Eton for locking a dozen geese in his tutor's rooms.” She giggled.
”Being sent down is no laughing matter,” Amelia reminded her- ”He should not have disclosed such ignominy, especially to someone he barely knows.”
”Why?” Caroline appeared puzzled. ”No harm was done. Prescott will return to school next term, and that tutor is dull, stupid, and bad-tempered-or so Sir Edwin recalls from his own school days.”
”I expect he is, but that does not justify breaking the rules,” put in Mary.
Caro scowled. ”Perhaps, but I cannot condemn the boy. His prank was harmless-not at all like those Frederick favored. Remember the time he locked you in the dairy, Amelia? And that ghost caper, when he dressed up like Mad Cousin William, terrorizing a maid so badly that she broke a leg trying to escape?”
”And Frederick laughed.” Amelia's eyes had hardened. ”Sir Edwin would never risk hurting anyone. Nor would Prescott.”
Mary frowned at her vehemence. She had not expected Caroline to form a tendre for the scholarly baronet. Sir Edwin was quiet and calm, far more like Amelia than the excitable Caroline. But they had pa.s.sed much of the evening together.
”Nor would Mr. Crenshaw,” admitted Amelia. ”I should not have criticized you, for we carried on a similar conversation. Mr. Crenshaw earned a reputation for playing pranks during his school days, though none were spiteful.”
Mary nearly gasped at the warmth glowing in Amelia's eyes. ”But your a.s.sessment is correct,” Amelia continued. ”Not all pranks are alike. Frederick's were always cruel.”
”Mr. Crenshaw's weren't?” asked Mary skeptically.
”Not those he mentioned. Even the one that got him sent down for a term left the headmaster laughing. I found him fascinating.”
”Perhaps, but tread warily,” warned Mary. ”A gentleman would never tell tales that might call his character into question, so you do not know that all his pranks were harmless. And he is friendly with Lord Ridgeway, who has yet to prove he is not like his brother.”
”Despite reducing the rents for all his tenants?” Caroline's voice had intensified. ”And he will collect no rents at all this year.”
”I have heard nothing of that.”
”Lady Carworth mentioned it. He only made the announcement today.”
”I am delighted for Ridgeway's tenants, but that does not negate my concerns,” insisted Mary, suppressing the warmth creeping into her heart. Why had James said nothing when she'd mentioned Ridgeway's appalling rents? ”Sir Richard has met Mr. Crenshaw several times in London and reports that the man is widely known as a rake. He might be welcomed into society's drawing rooms, but I would not take his words to heart.”
”He considers me nicer than the young ladies gracing London this Season,” Amelia said stubbornly.
”That is precisely what I mean.” Mary sighed. ”Amelia, a rake flirts with every female he meets, paying her pretty compliments that puff her vanity. It is as natural as breathing. I doubt he plans to seduce you, for your breeding would then force him into marriage, but he will certainly try to lure you into indiscretions. Even an innocent-seeming kiss would ruin you if Mrs. Bridwell or Miss Hardaway heard of it.”
”He wasn't flirting,” insisted Amelia. ”I can tell the difference between sincerity and flattery.”
”With the gentlemen you have known all your life, but you have little experience with London beaux. Do you recall what happened with Charlotte McCafferty?”
She reluctantly nodded.
”I don't,” said Caroline.
”It was five years ago, so you may not have heard about it.”
”Charlotte was empty-headed and silly,” said Amelia. ”So when a London gentleman looked her way, she looked back, meeting him secretly and allowing him too many liberties. But he was merely amusing himself during a duty visit to his grandparents. Naturally, she heard nothing from him once he left. Anyone with sense had understood his purpose from the beginning.”
”Be careful about casting aspersions,” warned Mary. ”Especially when your information comes from Mrs. Bridwell.” She stared until the girl nodded. ”While it is true that Charlotte lacked education beyond the finer points of manners and fas.h.i.+on, she was quite astute about people. Many of those who loudly condemned Lord Willis after he left had doted on him during his visit. In truth, he was a charming rogue who could talk water into flowing uphill. Charlotte believed every word he said-not because she was stupid or credulous, but because he made every word sound like gospel. And she had no experience with a manner quite common among London beaux.”
”But- ”
Mary ignored Amelia's interruption. ”I am not accusing Mr. Crenshaw of being another Lord Willis. All I ask is that you be careful. I would hate to see your heart bruised because he chose you as his country diversion.”
”What happened to Charlotte?” asked Caroline.
”No one is sure. She left not long after he did, supposedly to live with an ailing aunt. Few believed the tale, but nothing has been heard of her since.”
”Why warn me and not Caroline?” demanded Amelia, ignoring their exchange. ”Do you believe I am more likely to make a fool of myself?”
Mary blanched. ”That was unfair, Amelia. You must both beware. I only mentioned Mr. Crenshaw because we know he is a rake, but Sir Edwin could be just as dangerous. We know nothing about him beyond his odd friends.h.i.+p with Ridgeway.”
”Odd?” echoed Caroline.
”They would seem to have nothing in common-which proves how little we know about any of them. Perhaps their interest is genuine, but we must be wary. They have spent their lives in sophisticated circles. Sir Edwin has postponed an undertaking he is anxious to start in order to visit the earl. Sir Richard swears that Mr. Crenshaw usually visits Brighton this time of year-again, proving that he gave up his own pleasure to come here. And we know little about Ridgeway. How did he pa.s.s his years abroad besides dabbling in trade while in India? All I ask is that you guard your hearts until you know them better. Connection to Ridgeway is hardly a recommendation.”
”Sir Edwin asked if he could call tomorrow,” said Caroline.
”So did Mr. Crenshaw.”
”Very well. They will be welcome. But you must promise that you will never make an unchaperoned a.s.signation with either of them.”
Caroline and Amelia readily agreed, then left for their own rooms. But Mary stayed, her forehead creased in thought. She had hoped the girls could interest at least one of the gentlemen, but now that they had, she feared it had been a mistake to invite any of them. Perhaps she should have taken Justin's warnings to heart.
James was no longer the man she remembered-if he had ever been. Why had he accepted John's lies without checking the facts for himself? She had thought him smarter than that and far less reckless. Nor would the old James have accused her so rudely, interrupting a gathering in her own home to do so. It made those tales of an Indian mistress and child seem more believable.