Part 17 (1/2)

”It is kind,” said the Pastor. ”I will think of it, and I thank you, Hardy.”

”I have much to thank you for, Herr Pastor. I have learnt much here,”

said Hardy, ”and as you will take nothing from me for the cost I have put you to during my stay here, it will give me the opportunity of repaying in part my debts to you.”

The Pastor rose up and extended his hand to Hardy, and said, ”I cannot say how much I thank you. I accept it, Hardy.”

His daughter had knitted as usual, but her head was bent over her work.

”Helga,” said the Pastor, ”why do you not speak?”

”Because, father,” said Helga, ”Herr Hardy is so good I do not know what to say. He is better than other men.”

When Hardy said ”Good night” to her, before he went to his room, she said, ”Good night, sir!” in English, but would not take the hand Hardy held out to her.


”_Piscator._--But come, sir, I see you have dined, and therefore, if you please, we will walk down again to the little house, and I will read you a lecture on angling.”

--_The Complete Angler._

Frken Helga and Kirstin the next day were much occupied in preparing Karl's outfit; old stockings had to have new feet, cloth had to be bought and the tailor sent for, as well as a Syjomfru, or seamstress, to a.s.sist about his s.h.i.+rts. An inquiry, however, directed to Hardy on the subject, put a stop to all the bustle.

”How many stockings of a thick kind had Karl better take?” asked Helga. ”We are preparing his outfit, and there is but a short time to get his clothes and s.h.i.+rts made.”

'”The less he takes the better,” replied Hardy. ”It is better he should get his clothes in England. He will then appear like lads of the same age do in England in dress. It is very galling to a lad not to be dressed as other boys. English boys are apt to tease on the subject of anything foreign in dress and manner. I know it is not good conduct to do so, but it is done. If, therefore, you will let me order his things in England, it will be best, and save you much trouble now.”

”But my father would find it difficult to pay for the expensive English things,” retorted Helga.

”No, he will not; that I will care for,” said Hardy, using a familiar Danish phrase.

”Then I must mention it to my father,” said Helga.

”Certainly,” said Hardy; ”but tell him that as I have undertaken to make an effort on Karl's behalf to a.s.sist him to an independent position, it will be less difficult for me to do so if he is well dressed.”

”You despise everything Danish, Herr Hardy, even a boy's clothes,”

said Helga, as she was leaving the room.

”Stop,” said Hardy; ”I want to ask you one question. Do you not yourself think, Frken Helga, that what I propose is best for Karl?”

”Yes,” said Helga, almost involuntarily.

”Then why should you suggest to me that I despise everything Danish?”

asked Hardy. ”No country has interested me more.”

Helga looked at him, as if begging him to say no more, and went to her father's study. She told him what Hardy had said. ”I think it is so n.o.ble of him, little father, to be so considerate; he seems to think beforehand of everything.”

”Yes,” said Pastor Lindal, ”I have learnt to know that if he does anything, he is sure to find out the kindest way to do it. I will go at once and thank him.”