Part 17 (1/2)

Yes; lift your princely hand, and take Revenge, if 't is revenge you seek, Then pardon me, for Jesus' sake!

_Prince Henry._ Arise, Count Hugo! let there be No farther strife nor enmity Between us twain; we both have erred!

Too rash in act, too wroth in word, From the beginning have we stood In fierce, defiant att.i.tude, Each thoughtless of the other's right, And each reliant on his might.

But now our souls are more subdued; The hand of G.o.d, and not in vain, Has touched us with the fire of pain.

Let us kneel down, and side by side Pray, till our souls are purified, And pardon will not be denied!

(_They kneel._)


_Gaudiolum of Monks at midnight. LUCIFER disguised as a Friar._

_Friar Paul (sings)._ Ave! color vini clari, Dulcis potus, non aman, Tua nos inebriari Digneris potentia!

_Friar Cuthbert._ Not so much noise, my worthy freres, You'll disturb the Abbot at his prayers.

_Friar Paul (sings)._ O! quam placens in colore!

O! quam fragrans in odore!

O! quam sapidum in ore!

Dulce linguse vinculum!

_Friar Cuthbert._ I should think your tongue had broken its chain!

_Friar Paul (sings)._ Felix venter quern intrabis!

Felix guttur quod rigabis!

Felix os quod tu lavabis!

Et beata l.a.b.i.a!

_Friar Cuthbert._ Peace! I say, peace!

Will you never cease!

You will rouse up the Abbot, I tell you again!

_Friar John._ No danger! to-night he will let us alone, As I happen to know he has guests of his own.

_Friar Cuthbert._ Who are they?

_Friar John._ A German Prince and his train, Who arrived here just before the rain.

There is with him a damsel fair to see, As slender and graceful as a reed!

When she alighted from her steed, It seemed like a blossom blown from a tree.

_Friar Cuthbert._ None of your pale-faced girls for me!

(_Kisses the girl at his side_.)

_Friar John._ Come, old fellow, drink down to your peg!

do not drink any farther, I beg!

_Friar Paul (sings)._ In the days of gold, The days of old, Cross of wood And bishop of gold!