Part 13 (1/2)

_Rachel._ O wicked king! O cruel speed!

To do this most unrighteous deed!

My children all are slain!

_Herod._ Ho seneschal! another cup!

With wine of Sorek fill it up!

I would a b.u.mper drain!

_Rahab._ May maledictions fall and blast Thyself and lineage, to the last Of all thy kith and kin!

_Herod._ Another goblet! quick! and stir Pomegranate juice and drops of myrrh And calamus therein!

_Soldiers (in the street)_. Give up thy child into our hands!

It is King Herod who commands That he should thus be slain!

_The Nurse Medusa._ O monstrous men! What have ye done!

It is King Herod's only son That ye have cleft in twain!

_Herod._ Ah, luckless day! What words of fear Are these that smite upon my ear With such a doleful sound!

What torments rack my heart and head!

Would I were dead! would I were dead, And buried in the ground!

(_He falls down and writhes as though eaten by worms.

h.e.l.l opens, and_ SATAN _and_ ASTAROTH _come forth, and drag him down._)


_Jesus._ The shower is over. Let us play, And make some sparrows out of clay, Down by the river's side.

_Judas._ See, how the stream has overflowed Its banks, and o'er the meadow road Is spreading far and wide!

(_They draw water out of the river by channels, and form little pools_ JESUS _makes twelve sparrows of clay, and the other boys do the same._)

_Jesus._ Look! look! how prettily I make These little sparrows by the lake Bend down their necks and drink!

Now will I make them sing and soar So far, they shall return no more Into this river's brink.

_Judas._ That canst thou not! They are but clay, They cannot sing, nor fly away Above the meadow lands!

_Jesus._ Fly, fly! ye sparrows! you are free!

And while you live, remember me, Who made you with my hands.

(_Here_ JESUS _shall clap his hands, and the sparrows shall fly away, chirruping._)

_Judas._ Thou art a sorcerer, I know; Oft has my mother told me so, I will not play with thee!

(_He strikes_ JESUS _on the right side._)

_Jesus._ Ah, Judas! thou has smote my side, And when I shall be crucified, There shall I pierced be!