Part 11 (1/2)

The crowd already fills the church, and yonder Upon a stage, a herald with a trumpet, Clad like The Angel Gabriel, proclaims The Mystery that will now be represented.





_Praeco._ Come, good people, all and each, Come and listen to our speech!

In your presence here I stand, With a trumpet in my hand, To announce the Easter Play, Which we represent to-day!

First of all we shall rehea.r.s.e, In our action and our verse, The Nativity of our Lord, As written in the old record Of the Protevangelion, So that he who reads may run!

(_Blows his trumpet._)


_Mercy_ (_at the feet of G.o.d_). Have pity, Lord be not afraid To save mankind, whom thou hast made, Nor let the souls that were betrayed Perish eternally!

_Justice._ It cannot be, it must not be!

When in the garden placed by thee, The fruit of the forbidden tree He ate, and he must die!

_Mercy._ Have pity, Lord! let penitence Atone for disobedience, Nor let the fruit of man's offence Be endless misery!

_Justice._ What penitence proportionate Can e'er be felt for sin so great?

Of the forbidden fruit he ate, And d.a.m.ned must he be!

_G.o.d._ He shall be saved, if that within The bounds of earth one free from sin Be found, who for his kith and kin Will suffer martyrdom.

_The Four Virtues._ Lord! we have searched the world around, From centre to the utmost bound, But no such mortal can be found; Despairing, back we come.

_Wisdom._ No mortal, but a G.o.d made man, Can ever carry out this plan, Achieving what none other can, Salvation unto all!

_G.o.d._ Go, then, O my beloved Son; It can by thee alone be done; By thee the victory shall be won O'er Satan and the Fall!

(_Here the_ ANGEL GABRIEL _shall leave Paradise and fly toward the earth; the jaws of h.e.l.l open below, and the Devils walk about, making a great noise._)


_Mary._ Along the garden walk, and thence Through the wicket in the garden fence, I steal with quiet pace, My pitcher at the well to fill, That lies so deep and cool and still In this sequestered place.

These sycamores keep guard around; I see no face, I hear no sound, Save babblings of the spring, And my companions, who within The threads of gold and scarlet spin, And at their labor sing.

_The Angel Gabriel._ Hail, Virgin Mary, full of grace!

(_Here_ MARY _looketh around her, trembling, and then saith:_)