Part 41 (1/2)

Thedoubtfully at Nicholas, colass Having done this, he retired

Nicholas folded his ar his lip, sat perfectly quiet; sufficiently expressing by his manner, however, a fir Sir Mulberry home, into steady execution

It was evident froer member of the party appeared to remonstrate with his friend, that he objected to this course of proceeding, and urged him to comply with the request which Nicholas had made Sir Mulberry, however, as not quite sober, and as in a sullen and dogged state of obstinacy, soon silenced the representations of his weak young friend, and further seemed-as if to save hi left alone However this entleether, actually rose to go after a short interval, and presently retired, leaving their friend alone with Nicholas

It will be very readily supposed that to one in the condition of Nicholas, the s indeed, and that their progress did not see of a French clock, or the shrill sound of its little bell which told the quarters But there he sat; and in his old seat on the opposite side of the roos upon the cushi+on, and his handkerchief thrown negligently over his knees: finishi+ng his num of claret with the utmost coolness and indifference

Thus they remained in perfect silence for upwards of an hour-Nicholas would have thought for three hours at least, but that the little bell had only gone four tirily and impatiently round; but there was Sir Mulberry in the salass to his lips fro vacantly at the wall, as if he holly ignorant of the presence of any living person

At length he yawned, stretched hi surveyed hi and conteood-will; Sir Mulberry shrugged his shoulders, s the bell, and ordered the waiter to help hireatcoat

The man did so, and held the door open

'Don't wait,' said Sir Mulberry; and they were alone again

Sir Mulberry took several turns up and down the roo carelessly all the tilass of claret which he had poured out a few ain, put on his hat, adjusted it by the glass, drew on his gloves, and, at last, walked slowly out Nicholas, who had been fu until he was nearly wild, darted from his seat, and followed hies after Sir Mulberry's passing out, they stood side by side in the street together

There was a private cabriolet in waiting; the groom opened the apron, and jumped out to the horse's head

'Will you make yourself known to me?' asked Nicholas in a suppressed voice

'No,' replied the other fiercely, and confir the refusal with an oath 'No'

'If you trust to your horse's speed, you will find yourself mistaken,' said Nicholas 'I will acco on to the foot-board'

'You shall be horsewhipped if you do,' returned Sir Mulberry

'You are a villain,' said Nicholas

'You are an errand-boy for aught I know,' said Sir Mulberry Hawk

'I aentleman,' returned Nicholas, 'your equal in birth and education, and your superior I trust in everything besides I tell you again, Miss Nickleby is my sister Will you or will you not answer for your unmanly and brutal conduct?'

'To a proper cha the reins in his hand 'Stand out of the way, dog Williao her head'

'You had better not,' cried Nicholas, springing on the step as Sir Mulberry ju at the reins 'He has no coo-you shall not, I swear-till you have told rooh-spirited anied so violently that he could scarcely hold her

'Leave go, I tell you!' thundered his ed as though it would dash the carriage into a thousand pieces, but Nicholas, blind to all sense of danger, and conscious of nothing but his fury, still maintained his place and his hold upon the reins

'Will you unclasp your hand?'

'Will you tell me who you are?'



In less tiue could tell it, these words were exchanged, and Sir Mulberry shortening his whip, applied it furiously to the head and shoulders of Nicholas It was broken in the struggle; Nicholas gained the heavy handle, and with it laid open one side of his antagonist's face froash; knew that the hts danced in his eyes, and he felt hiiddy and sick, but staggered to his feet directly, roused by the loud shouts of theto those ahead to clear the way He was conscious of a torrent of people rushi+ng quickly by-looking up, could discern the cabriolet whirled along the foot-pavehtful rapidity-then heard a loud cry, the slass-and then the crowd closed in in the distance, and he could see or hear no eneral attention had been entirely directed froe, and he was quite alone Rightly judging that under such circumstances it would be madness to follow, he turned down a bye-street in search of the nearest coach-stand, finding after alike a drunken man, and aware for the first ti down his face and breast


In which Mr Ralph Nickleby is relieved, by a very expeditious Process, fros, who in his ireed upon, sat before the fire, listening anxiously to every footstep on the stairs, and the slightest sound that stirred within the house, for the approach of Nicholas Ti late He had proan to excite considerable alarm in the minds of both, as was abundantly testified by the blank looks they cast upon each other at every new disappointth a coach was heard to stop, and New him in the trihast in wonder and consternation

'Don't be alar him back into the room 'There is no harm done, beyond what a basin of water can repair'

'No har his hands hastily over the back and arms of Nicholas, as if to assure hi?'

'I know all,' interrupted Nicholas; 'I have heard a part, and guessed the rest But before I remove one jot of these stains, I must hear the whole from you You see I aood friend, speak out; for the ti will avail Ralph Nickleby now'

'Your dress is torn in several places; you walk la pain,' said Newman 'Let me see to your hurts first'

'I have no hurts to see to, beyond a little soreness and stiffness that will soon pass off,' said Nicholas, seating himself with some difficulty 'But if I had fractured every lie one till you had toldhis hand to Noggs 'You had a sister of your own, you told me once, who died before you fell into misfortune Now think of her, and tell s 'I'll tell you the whole truth'

Newman did so Nicholas nodded his head from time to tileaned; but he fixed his eyes upon the fire, and did not look round once

His recital ended, New off his coat and allohatever injuries he had received to be properly tended Nicholas, after soth consented, and, while so rubbed with oil and vinegar, and various other efficacious reers, related in whatiination of Newman; for when Nicholas came to the violent part of the quarrel, he rubbed so hard, as to occasion him the most exquisite pain, which he would not have exhibited, however, for the world, it being perfectly clear that, for theon Sir Mulberry Hawk, and had quite lost sight of his real patient

This ed with Newe her present residence, and also for dispatching Miss La Creevy to break the intelligence to her He then wrapped hireatcoat, and repaired to the inn where they were to pass the night, and where (after writing a few lines to Ralph, the delivery of which was to be intrusted to Newman next day), he endeavoured to obtain the repose of which he stood so much in need

Drunken men, they say, may roll down precipices, and be quite unconscious of any serious personal inconvenience when their reason returns The remark may possibly apply to injuries received in other kinds of violent exciteh Nicholas experienced so out of bed as the clock struck seven, with very little difficulty, and was soon ashad occurred

Merely looking into Ss would call for him very shortly, Nicholas descended into the street, and calling a hackney coach, bade theto the direction which Newht

It wanted a quarter to eight when they reached Cadogan Place Nicholas began to fear that no oneat that early hour, when he was relieved by the sight of a fe the door-steps By this functionary he was referred to the doubtful page, who appeared with dishevelled hair and a very warot out of bed

By this young gentle her ardens before the house On the question being propounded whether he could go and find her, the page desponded and thought not; but being stiht he could

'Say to Miss Nickleby that her brother is here, and in great haste to see her,' said Nicholas

The plated buttons disappeared with an alacrity most unusual to theitation which made the delay even of a ht footstep which he well knew, and before he could advance to meet her, Kate had fallen on his neck and burst into tears