
Far above New York, a Quinjet was hurtling past with Lin Rui on board Of course, in addition to Lin Rui, Spider in front of Quinjet looking up at the scene through the glass

In this battle against Hydra, only Mirage Knight and Spiderh Deadpool has shown vital signs, it will take a while before he could recover completly Harry wanted to help, but he had to deal with Oscorp After all, Harry is an Executive Director and he is very busy

As for Jack, he knew that his own strength would not play a big role in such a battle, so he felt that he would first try to i Daredevil was dispatched with shi+ELD’s Avengers, and he should now be on an Helicarrier


“Mirage Knight, ill be approaching the Helicarrier in a few seconds” As Lin Rui and Peter adh altitude, the person in charge of this Quinjet walked up to the about the Helicarrier, the person in charge was obviously very proud It seems that the successful launch of shi+ELD’s Helicarrier is indeed an exciting success for shi+ELD

“I see” Lin Rui nodded to show that he understands

In fact, Lin Rui was not surprised that Fury would send out the Helicarrier with an Anti-Gravity engine in this operation With Fury’s character, it would be surprising if he did not send it out Moreover, Lin Rui and Tony are secretly building an E Grade Aero space Warshi+p, so shi+ELD’s Helicarrier is not as a to them as it is to others


“Then … is that the Helicarrier?” However, when Lin Rui thought about the superiority of the E Grade Aerospace Warshi+p compared to shi+ELD’s Helicarrier, Peter’s voice suddenly ca to Peter’s tone, it see?” At the sound of Peter’s voice, Lin Rui turns his head to look that way However, halfway around, Lin Rui already knohy Peter’s voice is a little strange

Right in front of this Quinjet is a huge steel behe” in the clouds above the sky, it looked just like the city built in the sky in a science fiction h Lin Rui has already known about shi+ELD’s Helicarriers for a long time, he was still shocked to see it for the first time in real life This behemoth is indeed a piece of science fiction

Lin Rui is also able to see the external facilities of the Helicarrier as they approach rapidly Far from Lin Rui’s memory, this Helicarrier is taller than it appears in the movies, both in size and in the sense of science fiction This Helicarrier looksnervous as he watched the rows of High Tech Cannons on either side of the Helicarriesr They were enough to destroy half the city

There are so at high altitude, not only Quinjet but also other top-level aircraft of the United States at this stage Such an aerial fortress not only flies fast but it can also carry armed forces sufficient to destroy a small country It can be said that the shi+ELD with the Helicarriers and the shi+ELD without the Helicarriers are two different levels of deterrence for the rest of the world