Part 43 (1/2)
Then it was that he saw a shadow come into Nada's eyes--a shadohich wiped away his smile and closed a cold hand about his heart
”Nada!” he exclai happened to her?”
”She isgone,” his ave her to a man from a land far to the south of Sephar He has taken her there with him”
Tharn's face hite beneath its layer of tan ”How long since?” he demanded hoarsely
”This is the third day”
Without another word the young man wheeled and started for the door
Before he could reach it, however, strong fingers closed on his arm
His father had stopped hi?”
”After Dylara,” said his son grimly
”Of course; but do not leave so--so abruptly Let us talk this over before you start Soo with you, once we have eaten and slept”
”I a alone; others would only delay me”
Katon chose this moment to intervene ”Wait a few hours, Tharn There ismust be chosen and order restored to the palace and city Once that is done there will be a feast for all of us; then, after a good sleep, you can set out after Dylara You can overtake those who have her within two or three suns”
Nada ended the discussion ”Stay until , my son,” she pleaded ”I have but found you; I cannot bear to let you go so soon”
The smile came back to Tharn's face ”As you will,” he conceded ”But when Dyta coain, I must leave you”
So it was decided, and the four went down to the lower floor to join the others
That night, in the great dininghall of Sephar's palace, a happy throng sat about a long, wide table laden to its edges with an abundance of foods At the head sat Katon; at his right hand was Tharn, the elder; and, on his left, was Tharn, the younger, his mother beside him
Earlier that afternoon the former prisoners and those nobles who had not fallen in defense of Pryak's governreat central hallway to elect a new king Tharn, to his honest surprise, had been their instant and unani:
”There is one aht to rule over you He, hi--one who understands all those things expected of a ruler That man is Katon of Huxla!”
The roar of approval which followed his words reached far beyond Sephar's walls Katon would have protested but he had no chance ofhis pleasure as best he could He did not dreanard friend, for with those words Tharn had relinquished his hope of taking the Sepharian back with him to the caves of his father
Later in the day an armed force had entered the temple of Sephar's God; and while the feet of those faint-hearted ed somewhat, none had turned back
However, no resistance had h, hands empty, had welled up froed the new ruler to accept the them was the Council of Priests, intact to a man--except for one