Part 27 (1/2)
While only a short distance ahead, Urb and his four companions plodded slowly on toward their distant ho, and Urb was inwardly debating on ordering the ht, when Tolb, at the rear of the column, voiced a low note that arrested the others inas one, the five stood motionless, their ears, keen as those of Sadu, himself, cocked to catch and interpret what Tolb had heard
Urb, wise old carunted ”The hairless ones! Hide”
Silently each Neanderthalthe path Mighty clubs swung ready in steel fingers; narrowed eyes beneath overhanging brows scanned the open ground of the trail The ures appeared at the far end of the path and ca across their shoulders were short bows; at their backs hung arrow-filled containers, and in their right hands dangled clubs, smaller than those used by the Neanderthals but still forroup had drawn abreast the aers closed on a dry branch, and five ieons hurtled toward the startled Sepharians
It requires far et than a stationary one
Then, too, the half-light near the end of day does not add to the chances of a successful cast
Three of the clubs ly, while the fifth crashed into the base of a neck, snapping the spine and killing the stricken els blundered the Hairy Ones, drawing flint knives as they came If they had expected to catch the enemy unprepared and demoralized, however, they were badly disappointed
A barrage of Sepharian clubs flashed to side the skull, knocking hi blow atop the head that made his knees buckle briefly
The Neanderthal chieftain recovered quickly and with an angry bellow sprang at the nearest white-clad figure Disregarding the darting knife, Urb caught him by the tunic with one hand and drove his fist with inhuman force full into the Sepharian's face
There was a dull crunching sound of cru bones and the hairless one sluh the back of his head
The two re to out-ile foe feet stirred up dust frohters
And then a ringing shout echoed above the panting, twisting bodies, and into battle caht of these ene hench the fallen Kor where he lay The newco they were eether, determined the extent of any injuries, then turned his attention to the bodies in the trail Coolly he ran his knife through the throat of the still stunned Kor A brief examination proved the other two casualties to be quite dead
After detailing four raves for their late coe on either side of the trail to find Alurna He believed she had been bound and gagged to prevent any warning of the a helpless nearby, awaiting release
Until long after darkness, Vulcar and his ain they shouted her na cry that did not come Finally, after hours of systeround for yards around was cohter was as lost to theh they had remained in Sephar
To Vulcar, the awful truth ca blow So certain of success had he been at learning they were close on the heels of the Hairy Men, that the final disappointment al dulling Uriether in iave the signal to abandon the search, and with bowed shoulders and bent head the captain led his co father
Dylara sat beside a tiny brook and allowed its cool waters to chill her aching ankle It had begun to swell again froh she had stopped ive it rest
An hour from noould be sunset Soon the forest denizens would be co here to drink Soon, too, would co Bana and Neela, whose succulent flesh they loved
The cave-girl bent and washed the dust frorass Then she rose and retraced her steps to the base of a tall tree Favoring her ankle as best she could, Dylara cliht and found a properly placed liht, and fell promptly into dreamless sleep
She had no ht men passed below the branches of her tree and stopped at the water's edge One of the eight walked slowly back and forth on the near bank, his head lowered, studying the ground