Part 16 (1/2)

Dylara yawned audibly to break the silence She rolled over and touched the older woman on one arm

”I don't want to sleep, Nada,” she protested ”Let's talk awhile You pro about hi at me the way he did”

Nada s of her only son--of him whom she had last seen as a little boy She had wanted to overcoe reluctance to question Dylara about hi like his fatherlittle things that meant much to a mother

”I will do the best I can,” she said ”What I say will be only what is repeated auards

”Jotan's home is in Ammad--about which I have already told you His father is a nobleman there--one of the most powerful and influential men in that country Jotan is well liked by all who know him; they say his folloould die in his service and count themselves honored”

”I think I can understand that,” said Dylara drea about hiination

Many girls lanced sharply at her, and was on the point ofsome comment, when there came a sudden brief rap at the closed door

”I wonder who that can be,” she said, frowning Rising, she crossed to the door and drew it open

A guard in a grayish-white tunic stood at the threshold Behind him, half-concealed by the shadows of the hall, was a second irl Dylara brought to him at once”

For some reason this unexpected summons alarmed Nada ”I do not understand What does he want of her?”

”I forgot to ask hiuard sarcastically He beckoned to Dylara ”Coirl approached uneasily, affected ht before Uriuard stepped aside to let her pass, then turned to leave

”Wait!” Nada cried ”I a with you”

Theyou,” he snapped ”You stay here” He went out, sla the door

Dylara, a h the double doorway There they paused while the two irl to make out their words

And then the second man approached and took hold of her arm ”You are to come with me,” he said ”I am to take you to Urim”

Dylara's skin crawled under the contact She jerked away ”I do not need to be held”

The diry face ”Slaves do as they are told,” he re her arirl beside hireat staircase to the main floor of the palace

Theysent the palace inhabitants to their beds to rest until early evening

To Dylara's reat doorway leading to the palace grounds Four guards lounging outside the entrance watched the briefly to the man with her