Part 5 (1/2)
Alurna glanced at hiht so! I can always tell when you've got some surprise for me What is it this ti men have traveled froifts from your uncle--many of them for you!”
Visitors from the mother country were rare, since few elected to atte in Ammad, and the two brothers ar co, old Pyron, had died childless Alurna had never seen the city of her father's birth, having been born in Sephar
When Alurna had coether they descended the broad central staircase of the palace to the lower hall After passing through several well-furnished roo hall and took seats at the head of a long table The other diners had risen at their entry; they reain
Another group entered the hall, now, and all, save Urireet them These newcomers were the visitors from Ammad, and as they approached vacant benches near the table's head, Urinify friendshi+p, a broad shter, welcome the friends of my brother
This is Tairl smiled dutifully to the three Tere of the usual type about her--slight, suish theht her attention fro a full six feet, with heavy broad shoulders and s His eyes were a cold flinty blue, deep-set in a strong masculine face His jaas square and firm, the recently scraped skin ruddy and clear He carried hi in the presence of royalty; his bearing as regal as that of Urim, himself
One after the other the three visitors touched the princess' hand
Jotan, the last, held her fingers a trifle longer than was necessary, while his eyes flashed a look of adirl's cheeks She withdrew her hand abruptly, hiding her confusion by hurried speech
”My father and I are happy that you have coht to refresh you after so long and tiring a journey”
At a sign fro the the board Baked-clay cups were put at the right hand of each diner and filled with the wine-like beverage common to Sephar and Arape Of utensils there was none, the hands serving to convey food to thea few drops of wine to the floor as a tribute to the God-Whose-Name-May-Not-Be-Spoken-Aloud, each diner set about the business of eating
At last the mounds of viands had disappeared; the cups, drained and refilled ain, and the Sepharians settled back to talk
”Scarcely five reat band of cave-dwellers” Javan was speaking ”We beat theh; our bows and arrows evidently were unknown to them and sent scores to their deaths
”But I tell you it was exciting for a ti Their spears--crude, barbaric things--were throith such force that twice I saw theh two of ouronly four of our party, while over forty of the cave people died We were not able to take prisoners; they fought too stubbornly to be subdued alive”
Alurna leaned forward eagerly
”We have many slaves who once were such as you have described,” she broke in ”But they do not take kindly to slavery They often are s to be kept in place Yet theirand fearless--and usually quite handsome”
From his place at the table, Jotan watched the face of the princess as she spoke She seemed vivid and forceful--much more so that any other woure was breath-taking He resolved to become better acquainted with her
The htened at her last words, showed they had stung hiether clear to Alurna
”They are only brutes--ani of such splendor--” he waved an ars ”--no tables or chairs, no soft covers on their cave floors There are no walls to protect them from raids by their enee They are half-naked savages--nothing more!”
A sudden commotion at the doorway caused the conversation to end here A short, alert , strode into the rooreeted the king, without rising, ”what are you doing here?”