Part 16 (1/2)

”Thanks for the folder. I made a good start on my project.”

He kissed my cheek. ”I'm indebted.”

”Looks like it's a wash. There are thirty racks to be built.”

He groaned to amuse me and got back to it.

I tried to talk to everyone and couldn't believe how much I'd missed my neighbors. None of them cared about fas.h.i.+on like I did. Some always thought I was a bit nuts. Others considered this a thrift shop and expected me to go broke the first week. Many had left clothes best suited to a scarecrow. One old dear even left me a box of socks to darn. I intended to replace them with new ones.

Our neighbors were used to helping. Since my mother died when I was ten, my siblings all younger, they had been there for the Cutler kids, to fix a skinned knee, attend a hockey game or a school play, or help one of us go into business.

”This is unbelievable,” I shouted above the hum of voices. ”You're wonderful. Friends and neighbors working together like bees building a hive. My hive. I love you all!” I sent them a double-handed kiss.

Twice I'd gotten applauded today, but this time, I felt a rush of pride and grat.i.tude, in counterpoint to my embarra.s.sment at the police station.

”You can thank them individually tonight,” my father said. ”Welcome-home party at our place, six o'clock. Don't be late. You're the guest of honor.”

”Dad!” I was welling up big time, here. In a minute, I'd be blubbering.

Eve walked in, hands on hips. ”Cutler, you started without me, again. You know how I like to be first on the scene. And after I got color for your coming-home party.”

I looked her up and down. ”What color?”

She held up a pinkie. She might still have nine black fingernails but one bore a tiny little ladybug.

”Red! You got red? For me? Now I am going to cry.”

”It gets better,” she whispered. ”I found leopard nails. We're having drinks with her tomorrow night.”

Werner walked in, boxes stacked to cover his face.

”Thank you, Detective,” I said, though he grunted and kept walking.

I followed, and after he put down the boxes, he wasn't happy to find me behind him. ”You didn't fire anybody because of me, did you?”

He pulled me into the deep end of the nook. ”No, but if you worked for me, I'd fire you.”

”That would be fair.”

”You're the hero of the entire squad room.”

”Your men lack taste in who they look up to. I'm surprised you helped me move in, considering.”

”I keep my promises, Madeira.”

”I admire your integrity.”

”Don't do nice; it doesn't suit.” He stepped around me. ”Continue to be a brat. Makes life easier.”

How cryptic of him.

He hesitated and turned back to me. ”And stop trying to solve crimes that are none of your business.”

”Big leap from 'thanks for the evidence.' ”

”So was your public offer to brand me again.”

”Wait,” I said, stopping him by catching his sleeve. ”Which murder isn't my business? The one that took me from my shop so it could get burglarized, or the one where the body was found in my storage room?”

”What makes you think the bones from your storage room were the result of a murder?” Werner asked before walking away.


It's all about proportion, shape, line, finish, fabric, balance.


Among the movers, I spotted my sister, Sherry, and her new husband, Justin Vancortland V.

Aunt Fiona saw them, too. ”That's it,” she said. ”They're carrying the last of your stock. You're all moved in.”

Sherry put her boxes on my counter and threw herself into my arms. I hadn't yet seen my favorite baby sister, between her job as a kindergarten teacher and all the excitement since I got home. ”I missed you, Cherry Pie. Isn't this great? The whole town pitched in.”

”We'd do anything for you, Sis,” Justin said, giving my shoulders a squeeze.

I honestly liked my new brother-in-law and I was grateful Sherry hadn't gone to jail for murder instead of marrying him. ”Who's idea was this barn raising?”

”Dad's,” Sherry said. ”He's out there bragging about 'his' construction work.”

”Well, he should.” She and I walked arm in arm to the front of the shop. ”He did a brilliant job. Aunt Fee, did you put this idea into Dad's head?”

”I'd like to say yes, but Harry Cutler showed me up is what he did, and he's going to pay.”

Sherry winked at me.

It didn't take long for the place to clear. I waved from the door as cars left. I'd get a chance to thank everyone personally in a couple of hours, anyway.

After Justin and Sherry left, I turned to Eve. ”Do we have time to go car shopping between now and six?”

”Sure. You know what you want. Let's go. Goodwin's, here we come.”

”Give me a minute to lock up.”

”I'll do it,” Aunt Fiona said. ”Go. Enjoy.”

”I can't believe the whole of Mystick Falls moved me in,” I said, as we drove away.