Chapter 2 (1/2)

Yomigaeri no Maou Action 57860K 2022-07-22

Chapter 2 – The Issue at Hand*

There were few things an infant could do.

They received food from their mother, slept according to instinct, and did their business.

It was just these three at most.

However, Luru had what infants normally didn’t; a strong ability to think.

Because of that, he was able to consider thing, and arrange the information he heard from perking his ears up.

From the time when he clearly recognised that he held his memories as the demon king, each day he would listen up for the conversations that went on in his home, and a number of facts became clear to him.

What he learned about in most detail, was of course, information about his own family.

According to the conversations that his mother and the servants had, it seems that their family name was Cadisnola.

In other words, Luru’s real name was Luru Cadisnola.

It seemed that his mother’s name was Medea Cadisnola, and his father’s name was Patrick Cadisnola.

They had probably said their names right after Luru was born, or perhaps around the time things had calmed down but unfortunately, Luru had no memories of the time between his birth, and the moment he recognised himself as the demon king, so it was only recently that he was finally able to hear this from a conversation between his mother and a servant.

Of course, just knowing the names of his parents and his family name wasn’t enough to satisfy Luru’s thirst for knowledge.

At present, Luru wanted to know a great number of things.

That’s why he actually wanted to hear about more things in greater detail.

To that end, he had considered asking his mother or the servants directly, but right now he still hadn’t reached the age where he could talk yet, and it would probably have been odd for him to suddenly start talking.

That’s why for now, when he was hungry, or wanted to defecate, he would just cry and scream without using real words.

Even so, his mother and the servants would still speak to him, so he didn’t feel that uncomfortable, and there wasn’t any information he needed urgently so there was no problem but…

It was just that life as an infant, was to Luru, nothing more than idleness.

Eating and sleeping.

Once he compared days of doing nothing but that to his memories of being busy with office work or fighting as a demon king, it was such a helplessly idle lifestyle that even right this second, it felt like his mind would grow slow from it.

That’s why after Luru gained self-awareness and gathered information for a few days, he started to wonder if there was anything he could do to kill time.

And to that end, he felt that he had to think about what he’d do from now on.

Luru had been born again as a human because of a strange incident.

Though he didn’t know what kind of life he’d lead from now on, finis.h.i.+ng his life without doing anything was much too boring.

That’s why he wanted some kind of objective.

Moreover, there was also the fact that he felt that if he didn’t have a goal, then in the end, he would die without having accomplished anything, just like his previous life.

And he would hate that.

He’d pa.s.s on being an idiot who wouldn’t change even after dying.

In the past, Luru was the demon king.

Right now, he was a human.

Being the case, just what would he do from now on? Just how would he live from now on?

It was a profound question, and yet another issue.

It was for this reason that he spent a number of days seriously contemplating it.

For just how many days had he been ruminating over this?

Because of the complicated way in which the body of an infant perceived time, he couldn’t say for sure, but during that time, Luru had reached an answer for now.

That is, he would live as he wanted. It was a very simple conclusion, and was an answer that held in a sense a great deal of freedom.

Could that be called an objective?

Wasn’t it just living randomly?

There were probably people who lived as such.

However, if you thought about it carefully, you could probably understand that this was definitely not the case.

In his previous life, Luru was the demon king.

Because he was blessed with a mighty mana and physical strength from when he was a young child, he had been burdened with expectations, and had most of his life planned out for him since he was small.

Naturally, Luru remembered that it would have been unacceptable for him to have lived freely as he wished.

And he had memories of being a little rigid, and feeling that he had to answer these expectations.

Because he was stronger than any other demon, he also had the responsibility to lead their race.

Because of that, he wasn’t particularly dissatisfied with his position as the demon king.

However, it was the truth that because he was in a position of responsibility, there were choices that he couldn’t take.

Holding the hand of humanity, and cooperating was one of those impossible choices.

That’s why Luru painted over his heart, and fought as the incarnation of revenge and war.

After all, the Luru in those days was allowed nothing but that.

He could do nothing but that.

However, it was different now.

Right now, Luru was the human child of a lower cla.s.s n.o.ble family, and on top of that, he could feel from his parents words that they weren’t wis.h.i.+ng for him to succeed their office in the slightest.

In other words, they wouldn’t mind if he lived as he wished.

In that case, I want to live a unbound lifestyle that I couldn’t in my previous life, he suddenly thought.

And once he had come across that idea, he felt that it was and extremely interesting and wonderful one.

Certainly as an objective, it was much too vague.

So he feel that.

But even so…

He would live as he wished.

What an interesting ring that has to it, he thought.

And then, not leaving that thought as merely a thought, he began seriously considering it.

To freely live as he wished in this world.

He would absolutely, definitely, do so, he thought.

And for the sake of that, what he would probably need to do so, was power, he thought.

That the world wasn’t so gentle a place that the absolutely powerless could live in was something that he knew much too well from his previous life.

Those who had no power at all would just be wounded, trampled on, and then killed.

The demon race held mighty power.

However, even that powerful demon race had been overrun not seldomly by the human race that used the violence of numbers.