23 Chapter two, 2016, buddying emotions: 10 (1/2)

Called to the principal's office for fighting in the girls' locker room. Although slightly different it still brought forth memories. Well, this time he didn't send anyone to hospital, but at the other hand he had smashed a door. In the girls' locker room.

It was Ulf's first time on the main building's fourth floor.

'Should I give him a copy of my recordings and photos?'

Expulsion, well that might be too harsh, but some kind of repercussions lay in wait for him. That much was a given.

'But from what I heard the teachers didn't give a damn about what she had to go through.'

Ulf walked through the door, crossed the distance to the desk, and pretended to stand waiting for what was to come.

The principal was an older man with short, salt and pepper hair and expensive glasses. He wore an impeccable suit that made him look more like a successful businessman than someone ending his career chained to a medium-sized high school.

A power monger of the Old school. Door, mat, big desk and a single chair with him in it. If I had been fifteen I'd shit myself by now. But I need to put a stop to the bullying. OK, let's play!'

”Good afternoon, sir,” Ulf said in English.

”Good day to you as well,” the principal answered in Swedish.

'What the fuck?'

”It has come to my attention,” the principal opened the real topic in English, ”that you have been involved in some unseemly activities, my laddie,” he continued in an English Ulf would be hard pressed to match.

It was time for a restart.

”Sensei, I'm sorry if...” Ulf started in Japanese.

”Cut the crap kiddo. I'm old enough to have changed your diapers.” Still English.

'Haven't I heard variants of that spiel before?'

”Cause I swiped the dirty behinds of my siblings as a high schooler.”

'Damn, the geezer doesn't keep to my script.'

”So, you're forty, forty-five, fifty?”

”Eh, fifteen,” Ulf tried, but he had long since lost this one.

”Yeah, and I sprout wings and do Tokyo by night.”

”OK, what now?” Ulf said, defeated and deflated.

”You accept you're the kid you are. I'm older than you and I have more experience with your, hmm, rare dilemma than you.”

He must have seen Ulf's face radiate sudden hope.

”Sorry kid, I'm the 65 I look. But I've met your kind before.”

'My kind! Maybe.'

”You'll need contacts there as well, so get that club of yours up and running. I'll find a sponsor. The student council will approve or they'll wish they were never born.”

'What's going on?'

”Now, as for the mayhem in the locker rooms. You will be punished.”

Well, that was a given.

”We don't condone bullying. We also don't condone vandalism. Your parents will pay for the damage.”

'Not Amaya. No!' ”How much?”

”One hundred thousand yen.”

Ulf fished up his wallet and pulled out eleven bills.

”That will suffice,” the principal said as if every normal high school student carried around a week's salary in cash.

'Corrupt bastard. He didn't even blink at the bribe.'

”Have to accommodate your prejudices. Public servants in Japan are corrupt and all that.”

'Whoa! Didn't see that one coming!'