36 Sun Zans Fall (1/2)

Sun Zan's Thunder Gale Monkey took a step forward as the ground beneath it shook, that single step forward covered a distance of 10 meters as it rushed towards Chen Jingyi's demon


With a single swing of its two swords, it appeared behind the demon in the same stance as streaks of blood slowly appear on the demon's body


As deep purple blood dripped from its wounds, the demon's smile became wilder as it disappeared from its location and once again stood in front of the Thunder Gale Monkey

Woosh* Woosh*

The two figures disappeared and reappeared in different locations throughout the field creating afterimages of their explosive battle. The endless barrage of fast paced attacks from both monsters created a strong shockwave that blew back the crowd. Some people even had a new hairstyle because of the shockwaves!

Woosh* Woosh*

The fast paced battle continued for a long time as streaks of different shades of purple clashed. Not only did streaks of lights materialise and appear in the air, a metallic sound resounded throughout the field

After a while, the two monsters once again appeared at the centre of the field becoming visible to the crowd. The Thunder Gale Monkey's armour had cracks all over whilst the demon's hair became shrivelled however, no visible wounds could be seen. They then both jumped backwards towards the end of their respective sides as the Thunder Gale Monkey's golden sword glowed purple whilst the short sword glew green. The monkey then put the two swords together as the two weapons slowly fused together creating a larger sword with both green and purple lights

The merged sword gave off an immense pressure as the Thunder Gale Monkey took the stance of a samurai with the sword held in both its golden hands. The female demon's palm glew dark pink as a small circular flow of demon element energy rotated within. That same energy rotated until it became completely white which made the energy ball appear like an eyeball

”This attack will end it.” Ye Qin said in the stands